iDRY Vacuum Kilns


Tensioning arm on Vermeer Chipper

Started by Karl_N., August 26, 2009, 09:20:19 AM

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The belt has been slipping on a borrowed Vermeer chipper, must be the medium sized model. I can't figure out how to tighten it. Looks like if I can lift the arm up a bit and make it stay there-that would work. Anyone have experience with this?


It would help if you knew the model number, Vermeer might assist you in answering your question.


Been a while since I fooled with one, how about a picture three feet back?

If the belt is worn because of the belt burning when engaging the clutch, there might not be enough belt left. Also, if someone used a regular A type belt (ex: automotive) it probably is not tall enough to engage.

As for that arm, I think it is to take up slack and shock, not to tension the belt.


Yes, sorry about not posting pictures of what I'm talking about. I took the belt to a parts store and the man behind the counter didn't think there was anything wrong with the belt and it's the original belt for the chipper. But it must be stretched because I can't see any way for that arm to be adjusted so I think you must be right about it's main purpose of taking up slack. Thanks for the replies and the website, I'll give vermeer a call tommorrow.


If it has lots of use check for a worn pulley, the sides of the pulley that the belt rides on should be flat if the are not the sides of the belt will not have full contact and be prone to slipping, the small one will usually wear out first.

You have all seen those old cars with a humming tight alt. belt that still slips no matter what you do.... usually a worn out alt. pulley.

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