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Question for other Swingers

Started by Gentleman_Sawyer, October 01, 2003, 11:51:46 AM

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What do ya'll use to secure smaller logs from turning. I know Peterson advises using their log dogs and wedges, but there has to be a better way to keep the log from moving.


We ve got these awsome new log dogs (they are cheap and absolutely effective and simple), they've just come in the door powdercoated.

You cut out a knotch in your skid and they bolt beside the knotch so that the log dogs rest under the line of wood so your blade wont hit them. They are our standard spikes with a claw that slides to pierce the side of the log 100% grab, I am completely impressed by how effective they work. I'll take some pictures of them along with the road show pis soon.

I head off to day and will be back next monday with some great pics hopefully.


I don't have an answer, but The question interests me too, as I am still considering a swing blade mill.
Are the dogs and wedges not sufficient?
PS, Jake's post appeared while I was writing mine ::)


Hello Jake. I have a pair of log dogs which came with my ATS mill. They do a wonderful job of keeping the log from moving fore and aft, but it't the roll that I have trouble with, even using wedges. Thanks for the reply and tell Carl hello.


I use a set of the Peterson log dogs and they do work OK, but it is possible for the log to move as the log only sits on the spikes. Mostly only a problem with really small or short logs and/or the last few cuts when there it little weight left in the log.
Have been thinking about a more positive clamping system, using some sort of spikes or claws. Obviously Peterson have been having the same thoughts, so I'll be interested to see what you have come up with Jake :)

Weekend warrior, Peterson JP test pilot, Dolmar 7900 and Stihl MS310 saws and  the usual collection of power tools :)


As typical on small logs, you are leaving the right side of the log's edge intact for support, this causes the rolling comment.
I am careful to wedge the right side of the log in anticipation of this before it happens.  Having said this, I am pretty sure that I understand the concept that Jake just explained and I am eager to see a set of these clamps.  I had been thinking of a pipe clamp to act as a vice recessed in the skid, probably with some modifications to the clamp tips.

Those Petersons, always improving......



Just got back from the Kerikeri demo, what a mission!!!! But thats another story for when I upload some pics.

Our new log dogs are the same spike idea with some mods, the spikes are now rounded and sharper so as the log will cup into them rather than rest on only a few spikes, they also have a slotted claw that slides horizontally to the spikes so it can be hammered into the side of the log to stop the roll effect.

The concept is that the spikes stop slide, the claw stops rotation. The dogs would be bolted under the skids top edge and beside a chainsawed knotch. They are designed especially for small logs, no more movement. I took some pictures of them but I'll post them later.

7 hours on the road! I'm off to bed.


G-Sawyer, check with the Mobile Dimension folks about their dogs. They would work well with any saw, and there ain't a bunch of fiddlin' around with chocks and wedges, etc. They are simple and easy to use, and the log is simply NOT going to move when it is clamped in them.
You could send Sawmill_John a PM right here on the forum, or go to their website:
"I don't feel like an old man.  I feel like a young man who has something wrong with him."  Dick Cavett
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  The MD type dogs is what we are going to use on our swinger. Only thing is, we ain't gonna hafta run around the end of the mill and hand crank them suckers. That's what ole' Tom Ed invented that lektrik stuff fer ;) ;D :D :D
  OOOOPs, that's technical info :o :o Don'T enny body read that technical stuff.
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