iDRY Vacuum Kilns


Horrible accident

Started by rick f, November 15, 2010, 06:16:04 AM

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rick f

664 clark skidder
1- 562 husky
1- 254xp husky
1 - 268xp husky
1250 JD farm tractor with skid winch
5040 kubota farm tractor


That is too bad.I heard that on the news last night,but at that time they had no idea what happened.
Model 6020-20hp Manual Thomas bandsaw,TC40A 4wd 40 hp New Holland tractor, 450 Norse Winch, Heatmor 400 OWB,YCC 1978-79

Meadows Miller


Thats a bloody sad story to hear  :o :)  My heart goes out to the family  :( :(

It is a reminder to Us All of what could go wrong and to be very vigilant about our surrounds and who's around us when doing those sorts of jobs  ;)

Regards Chris
4TH Generation Timbergetter


That kind of thing happens more frequently than one would imagine.  Uprooted trees, especially those with shallow and wide root systems, like Oaks, are very dangerous.  After a storm, they are the first that I would sever the trunk from the root ball in the swamp.  It's just too easy for a tree to stand back up and trap and animal or human beneath it.

It's also a critical thing to pay attention to when cutting the crowns from an uprooted tree.  You never know when you have removed enough weight that the root overburdens what remains and stands it all back up again.  It's perhaps more dangerous than even releasing the "sprung" limbs and removing the limbs upon which a downed trunk lies.   

It's too late in this instance, but small children have no place around life threatening situations such as this, whether anyone is working on them or not.

Nate Surveyor

It is too late for that poor little boy. But, for us, it is not too late.

We can be more careful.

Thanks for posting this, to serve as a warning. I have a 5 yr old.
It sure makes me think.

And, pray for that family.

I know less than I used to.


Those devils are never fun to cut. I now put my mini track-hoe bucket against them and lower it down easy.

Be careful out there. I had an accident cutting a windfall tree 33 years ago and it became a life long regret. I will likely have my knee replaced soon. But I did get 33 interesting years out of it.

Let's all be careful out there tomorrow. Lt40hd, 22' Kenworth Flatbed rollback dump, MM45B Mitsubishi trackhoe, Clark5000lb Forklift, Kubota L2850 tractor

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