iDRY Vacuum Kilns


Spring Cleaning

Started by Norm, March 26, 2004, 01:48:34 PM

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Well it's that time of year again. I can rationalize not doing any house or garage cleaning in the winter. Too darn cold, but it's warmed up into the 70's today so no excuse. Took off work early and started cleaning the garage. Patty went out and gave the fat horse a good brushing.

It's amazing how fast the bugs have come out. I was sawing some red oak and they were all over the fresh cut slabs. They must be attracted to the sap. Ladybugs are thick too, you can see em swarming in the air.


Are you feeding that horse some of your home cooking. Maybe you should tie some cans on its tail and it will get some exercise.
We got them DanG mosquitos already.


No bugs here yet, but in a few months the yellowjackets will scramble fliers and make life miserable for all... funny how they come to fresh cut wood.  Sure makes building a deck a lot less fun.
Senior Member?  That's funny.



She's not fat, she is 9 months pregnant this week.  :)Only 2 more months until the big day! We'll be sending out the announcements and handing out cigars! 8)
It was cool, I must have woke the colt up when I was combing the mare, I could feel it moving all around. It is gonna be a spunky liitle thing, I can tell already.
Women are Angels.
And when someone breaks our wings....
We simply continue to fly ........
on a broomstick.....
We are flexible like that.


Sorry Patty, I guess that explains the weight thing. I think I'll change my puter name to Duh. ;D



When my sisters and I were in high school, one bought a riding horse of some type.
I had a Shetland pony several years earlier but had traded the horse for horsepower at the Honda shop.

Anyway this riding horse was pretty fast. Sister and I would race around the farmstead. As time progressed the horse started to fatten up. Dad dropped the hammer and said don't feed that pig so much and run it more.
Fatter and fatter it got. Cut the feed supply and ran it down the road every night.
Stupid horse got slower and slower, and real round in the center.

One morning we were in the barn doing chores when we realized we now had 2 horses.

Dad called the clown who had sold my sister the horse. Apparently a neighboring stud was found in the pen one morning.

Later mom and dad were laughing about a two for one special.
Linda and I custom saw NHLA Grade Lumber, do retail sales, and provide Kiln Services full time.



You have got to start paying attention!!   ;D    She does really pack away the food though, I give her a 5- gallon bucket of oats & sweet feed, and a half a bale of hay everyday.  :o


My sister had a shetland when we were young too. It wasn't much fun to ride, it was so tiny, your feet would practicly drag on the ground ::) That pony hated to be ridden, it would head for the closest tree to try to brush you off, that kinda took some of the fun out of it too!  :D
Women are Angels.
And when someone breaks our wings....
We simply continue to fly ........
on a broomstick.....
We are flexible like that.

L. Wakefield

   My spring cleaning happened early- my son and his GF are out of work, so we've gone all through the house, then the barn, then the fence, then walked the bounds and marked them- THEN we hauled out the loom, repaired it, and they made me a warp and dressed the loom- OH yeah, just what I need- another addiction..  soon it wiull be time for grounds and pasture and garden work. I kinda like this extry help thing..  lw
L. Wakefield, owner and operator of the beastly truck Heretik, that refuses to stay between the lines when parking


Patty, I know I have a hard time paying attention. I dont know if its old age, burnout, or sawing. All I want to do is saw and when I'm not sawing, all I want to do is talk and read about sawing. And when I'm not doing that I'm watching vcr tapes of sawing and drying and grading and ...........
Now walleye fishing will be starting and that is my number two interest. Another 4 degrees for the water to be at the right temp and I'll be FISHING. Then I'll be fishing and sawing, fishing and sawing........  ;D :D :D


 :o :o
5 gallon??
 :o  :o

I wanna be a horse and live at yer place in my second life.
That way I can be fat and you can say I am pregnant.....ohh, that part don't sound so good.



 :D :D :D
sorry haytrader, but fat horses are a dime a dozen :D
us crop farmers LOVE them horse feeders! ;D ;)
northern adirondak yankee farmer


Hey red,

Look at the feeder this horse has.

 :D  :D

Actually it is a bird bath but you can see he gets plenty to eat. Sold him yesterday at an auction. $1025 for a 13 yr old. He was headed to New Mexico.


the last horse i seen was headed tword the woods!
WILD, we let it out of hibernation and havent seen it since, dont worry, it camps out for a week and returns when it gets bored. if you can catch it you can have it! :D
northern adirondak yankee farmer


growing up my sister and I had a bunch of p.o.a"s and pintos and even a team of belgians but the smartest horse and funnest was a little shetland mare that we harnessed or rode and whenever we got near the beach it would run for the water and go in and go under to scrape us off or a low tree limb and have us removed, very intelligent horse ! you all have nice horses !
UNCLEBUCK    bridge burner/bridge mender


The neighbor has 1/4's that she rides over to visit Becky. Their heads are about a high as her back. You don't realize how big drafts are until you see em next to another horse. I bought 200 bushel of oats this fall. We mix a coffee can of sweet feed with half a five gallon bucket of oats. She gets this twice a day with a bale of hay every other day. Feed less and she loses weight. I for one was amazed how much she packs away, glad I have a deal with the neighbor to store his car in trade for alfalfa. He brings over 3rd cutting hay that looks so good I've been tempted to make a salad. :D

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