iDRY Vacuum Kilns


Balanced Planer Blades?

Started by FeltzE, April 11, 2004, 07:03:30 PM

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I had a bad nick in my planer blades in the logosol, unable to offset the nick left to right I got an idea that maybe I could replace just one blade...

I pulled the dull blades and sharpened them appropriately and pulled out a pair of new blades. I retrieved my beam balance scale and put a new blade on the scale noted the weight then grabbed one I just sharpened,  ??? I put that on the scale and it was within 1/10g of the new blade. So in they went as a pair.

The interesting point is that the other new blade was almost 2g heavier than it's mate, and guess what ??? the other dull blade matched within 2/10g of the new one.  :o So I have a light pair and a heavy pair.

Does anyone balance their planer blades? My RBI always had a bit of a vibration to it with the planer head in and I'm considering pulling the head out and weighing all the blades and gibs to see if I can affect the balance.

Is it worth the trouble?

What is too much out of balance? Considering a little of packed dust and pitch get up in stuff too ::)


 FeltzE i have the 18" woodmaster and have changes
 blades with no trouble. I haven't weight any of them
 so don't know what they weight. I all ways change
 all 3 blades at one time. I do know that a small
 mirobevel on the blade helps make a smoother cut.

Norwood M4 manual mill, Solar Kiln, Woodmaster
18" planer/molder


Smoother cut is no problem, I have always noted a slight vibration in the cutter head of my planer. Last night I weighed all the parts and I'm putting everything back in sets based on weight. It may help some but the total out of balance between sides will be less than 1 gram. so who knows. It's not a problem though. I thought maybe someone might have some words of wisdom on balance.



            It mabe your blades that are out of balance, it wouldn't hurt to check. It also could be your drive belts that are making the vibration. I had to change the belts on my Wood Master after one of them streched and became a little loose. The loose belt tended to vibrate as it was running making me think that it was the head.


Actually the blades (which I sharpened last night) ... Cut myself  :'( are very close in weight. within a gram from heaviest to lightest. so I'll pay close attention putting things back together to minimize any vib. Don't get me wrong the cutter head isn't causing vibration that is shaking the machine around or anything. It just seems like a lot of audible vibration. as these machines aren't made of real heavy steel.



Which Logosol do you use? I like my PH260 tremendously. Logosol must like us tarheels
His thoughts tumbled in his head, making and breaking alliances like socks in a dryer without cling free


I've got the single phase unit. I like it but I havn't had much chance to really put it to work. I've cut some flooring and done some 2 sided planing (great for stickers) It has good thru-put but the single phase edition is based on 3 hp motors instead of the 3 phase 4 hp motors. bummer... I wouldn't mind more  hp. But it really dosn't matter for what I am doing, I'd like to reprocess commercial s4s 2x6 pine into T&G for barn stalls. I really need to get off my butt and chase some work for it.



I fixed most of my vibration noise, RBI has an interesting connection for the vacume system. I pulled out the welder and tack welded it in place. Amazing how much quieter the machine is now. (I could have bolted it.... )

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