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TJ 230 question

Started by KWood255, February 18, 2014, 09:37:12 AM

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Hello, I currently have a TJ 215C, and I am looking at replacing it with a 230. I cannot find a series letter on the machine. It has a 3-53, Herc winch, 4 speed manual. I think it has the Eaton planetaries. I am guessing it is in the early-mid 70's but I dont really know. Anybody have any suggestions as to which series it is? Any considerable pros/cons with this series?

Also, for some advice on its worth, tires are 60-70%, 3-53 was rebuilt a few hundred hours ago. Seems to run clean and no leaks on the engine. There are a couple fairly minor leaks on the machine. (Hoses etc). Basically it looks quite good for a 40 year old machine. What might she be worth?  It has not been used commercially for over 10 years. Thanks fellas.


If it has eaton axles, it should be about 75-76 onwards. If winch is Herc not eaton written on it, probably makes it a D series.

Other things we can go off are the model number in the footwell, probably something like 230GSE and serial no. or photos.

There are a few threads already on 200 series pros and cons. You should be able to get some idea from them. I am sure there will be people here to help.



 So I'm just a little curious about your post and wondering what advantage would it be for you to go to a TJ 230? You'll end up with all the same components 353 Detriot Diesel, Hercules winch, four speed transmission and the Rockwell planetaries. I don't think that model was around when the Eaton's were used and I think all the 215's came with the 220 Ford in them and I have saw them with both types of Rockwell planetaries depending on age of machine. What size tires are on that machine 16.9-30's? 


Thanks for the info fellas. The problem is that I sold my 215, and before it left the yard I already had my regrets about the sale.

I found the 230 locally, for a reasonable price, I think.

My 215 had lighter drive train (same as a 205) than the 230, with less power. Although I never had a lack of power with the 215! If I could have backed out of the sale of the 215, I would have!


Sounds like a heckuva buy.  IMHO, the TJ 230d is the best cable skidder ever built...pound for pound.  I have a 66 230C and love it, and I've owned a TJ 225d which runs a close second in my book.  But the 230 is just a tad more rugged.  You won't be sorry.
"Make every step count."


Ya I have a 230d and it is a nice rugged machine and one of the easiest to work on.
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