iDRY Vacuum Kilns


Thinking about starting

Started by trouter, June 13, 2005, 03:21:34 PM

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I'm thinking about buying a LT15 and starting to saw as a hobby, but looking to the future and maybe doing more in the future. I figured start small see how things go then buy bigger and better. Am I crazy? I work in the lumber industry now so the understanding is there, just dont know if I want to make the jump.


Welcome.  First thing I would do is, go to the Home Page of this Forum, and access the "Find-A-Sawyer". Link.

  That will get ya someone near you to visit. Then, make the date to go, and pester the daylights outta them with yer questions.  ;D ;D

  After wearing out all the sawyers you can, you MIGHT have an idea what you really want to do.  :D :D

  See there ??? Nuttin to it.   ;) ;) ;D ;D :D :D
All truth passes through three stages:
   First, it is ridiculed;
   Second, it is violently opposed; and
   Third, it is accepted as self-evident.

-- Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)


I bought my mill as a hobby. I want it to stay that way for now. I enjoy sawing and my frends and neighbors come over, I saw their logs for free and afterwards they supply the beer!

My brother Chris and I sawed all the lumber for our 20x25 aframe addition on our cabin in wv. It's truley a great feeling to look around and see everything I have sawn for folks.

I say go for it.
Imagine, Me a Tree Farmer.
Jon, Appalachian American Wannabe.

Ron Wenrich

I've threatened to buy a mill, but after sawing all day on a big mill, I don't think I would find it much of a "hobby".   

Where it could be an advantage is that you could get logs that don't meet your dayjob specs.  Something with interesting grain or other pattern.  Then saw that up for a niche market.  With the amount of logs you guys do, you should be able to find something to saw.
Never under estimate the power of stupid people in large groups.


I have an LT15 if your close and want to try it out send a message.  Just got the blades back from resharp and have 25 logs in the yard.

Peterson 8" ATS.
The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary.


  Come out to the farm and we can saw a bit.  Get a little sawdust in your hair and talk about sawing.  You can see how much fun it really is.  ;D
  I have trout near by.  ;)


Well I guess I wont know till I try, so if I can get the wife talked into it maybe I'll give it a try.


  I have a friend that came over a year or so ago . He was a little nervous and you could tell he had something to ask ,  ;D   Well it was  that he was thinking of buing a mill to saw up logsfor his cabin up at the lake , he did not know how I would take it , if I would give him pointers .  He wanted for me to not get upset with him for not hiring me  ::)    Hafter he told me what was bothering him , I just broke up into a laugh and told him I would even go with him to see the mills if he would like to . Then once he had it and knew what he was doing would set him up with some work .   ;D
  He ended up buing a Champion sawmill , a small manual mill , he now comes over heere and files his blades and brings some brown bottles with him . He has started on the sawing of his cabin and has been over here for a few pointers since and he has done his first job taken money from a client over the week end  ;D  I had a guy call up and need a few logs sawed up on saturday or sunday and I could not make it , had my fund raiser to take care of ...
  He was here at the house when I got back ...  to look at the grin he was wearing and the sparkle in his eyes   was worth a million  ;D :)
He had a box of cold ones waiting on ice for me ....  And they where well taken care of ...  ;D

     All this to say ... Go for it ..  Just Do it   ;D ;D ;D
A man does not always grow wise as he grows old , but he always grows old as he grows wise .



I was out at Sawlex and that really made up my mind when I saw some of the mills run, now I'm going to be up at Rock Springs helping out, so this time I will have to be a little more serious at looking at them along with prices for some optional stuff I wouldn't mind having.

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