iDRY Vacuum Kilns


Recomendations for chain to use to chainsaw mill soft wood...spruce/ jackpine/

Started by Tom Vincent, September 26, 2023, 12:33:48 AM

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I'm looking to rig up some kind of remote winch/ pully system to pull the saw through the log so I don't have to get dosed with 2 stroke exhaust.  Granberg has a system, but I think I could jimmy something up out of odds and ends for free.  Any ideas/ pictures out there?


A fellow named Will Malloff from Vancouver Island wrote what is likely the bible on chainsaw milling. He liked to sharpen his chains 1 cutter top plate at 90 degrees next 2 cutters top plate removed to score the sides of the kerf then 90 degrees again. I used to start a chain with stock angles and reduce the angle until I got to 90 degrees every time I sharpened it. I use a Simington bar mounted grinder to establish angles. Once I got to 90 degrees I could hand file 2 or 3 times between using the grinder to zero everything out. A well sharpened chainsaw competes favorably with a bandsaw for quality of cut.

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