iDRY Vacuum Kilns


Pine at Walnut prices??

Started by CCC4, December 17, 2014, 05:56:02 PM

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Probably not right at Walnut prices...I cut 17 pine across a property line...I was sent to do it against my gut feeling, I was right! The LO I was cutting for took full responsibility and it cost him $2,000 for the 17 trees. I was in direct communication with the LO and my boss on several occasions about this property line...I made my thoughts completely clear and they landed on deaf ears. I'm just glad I was cleared and the blame was placed on the right person. All I can say is, they should have listened to me!


I always hate cutting around a iffy property line !
1 Corinthians 3:7 So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase . "NKJV"


don't know what the law is any more but it use to be that if a lo put posters up and you went by them and later was found you cut over the line it was not your falt   I don't cut any thing until the lo gets a survey or puts it in the contract that his lins are true and he takes the blame  glad you were not at falt


Yes sir that's definitely a line in my contract stating
The property lines are the responsibility of the LO. they mark them and I stay back 10 feet or so.


Yeh, I'm glad it worked out for not only me, but my boss. He has a big reputation at stake due to the amount of Gov. timber he buys. Mistakes like that can be drug through Forest Service, even if on Private land.

Normally I buffer back quite a bit on most jobs, but it seems like the last several cuts have been to the line even taking line trees if the fence is on the back side of the tree. Even the cut I started yesterday is to the fence. IMO...I don't really like doing that. So far, from what I have seen...if the fence is 30 years old or older...there is a big chance that a survey will show different. It's kind of a crap shoot to cut up to an old line.

Very rarely will you ever see a fresh survey line. About the only time you will, is if the property was just bought or will be sold once the timber is removed....well Gubment jobs also of course, they have excellent lines, very easy to read!


Did the banker own those pines?
Franklin buncher and skidder
JD Processor
Woodmizer LT Super 70 and LT35 sawmill, KD250 kiln, BMS 250 sharpener and setter
Riehl Edger
Woodmaster 725 and 4000 planner and moulder
Enough cows to ensure there is no spare time.
White Oak Meadows



Franklin buncher and skidder
JD Processor
Woodmizer LT Super 70 and LT35 sawmill, KD250 kiln, BMS 250 sharpener and setter
Riehl Edger
Woodmaster 725 and 4000 planner and moulder
Enough cows to ensure there is no spare time.
White Oak Meadows


Quote from: CCC4 on December 17, 2014, 05:56:02 PM
Probably not right at Walnut prices...I cut 17 pine across a property line...I was sent to do it against my gut feeling, I was right! The LO I was cutting for took full responsibility and it cost him $2,000 for the 17 trees. I was in direct communication with the LO and my boss on several occasions about this property line...I made my thoughts completely clear and they landed on deaf ears. I'm just glad I was cleared and the blame was placed on the right person. All I can say is, they should have listened to me!
he got off lucky. he should pay it and be glad thats all it cost him. glad y'all not into it.

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