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A sad time in the ForestryForum family

Started by DanG, October 19, 2004, 07:10:05 AM

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Heya F.D. and Ed.
I dont know what to say that could make you feel better right now.  I been married 28 years and the thought is frightening. BUT I know several people who have lost their soul mates and have built new relationships/lives after the greif and mourning subsides and are quite happy again ,.....hope Im not out of line here....Hang in there
GOLDEN RULE : The guy with the gold, makes the rules.


One of the things I was most looking forward to was to meet the legendary Florida Deadheader and his son and sidekick Swampy on the trip to Moultrie.  When DanG arrived on Monday with the news I was sickened.  It feels like a member of my own family has suffered a great loss.  Hang in there, Ed and Harold.  Meet you in GA next year.



   Harold and Ed
    I 'm sorry to hear of your loss  and you will be in our prayers . I know I got here late but I was out of town this  week.


My condolences to you and your family in a time of mourning.You are in my prayers.
Timberking B-20   Retired and enjoying every minute of it.
Former occupations Electrical Lineman, Airline Pilot, Owner operator of Machine Shop, Slot Machine Technician and Sawmill Operator.
I know its a long story!!!


 Sorry to hear about your loss. My wife lost her mother
a month ago. It's very hard. I can imagine your pain is much deeper. This too shall pass. Take care of yourself. Wade
If it's worth cutting down a tree for, it's worth doing right


Fla_Deadheader, I am back now from the Moultrie show and Tom and DanG told me of your lost, Sorry to hear the news. Maybe next near I will get to meet ya. It is never a time to loose  love ones and I just wanted to send my sympathy out to ya.
Hang in there for the Good Lord will watch over ya thru times like this.


Harold & family,

I have been busy for awhile so just logged on tonight and discovered your recent loss.

Harold, I have come to enjoy the many posts and getting to know your family via the internet. It is nice to know that the words of Will Rogers: " A stranger is a friend I have yet to meet" can have validity when found in this forum. Wish the same could be said for our neighborhoods.

I am saddened by this news.  :'(  And in the future as time will allow will look forward to your continuinal sharing of both the fond memories and the inspiration she was to you!

I will be praying for you and your family.
" If I were two faced, do you think I would be wearing this one?"   Abe Lincoln


  I would like to thank those of you that have responded since the last time I acknowleged the support from so many of you. It has helped immensely.  Thank you, Harold and Family
All truth passes through three stages:
   First, it is ridiculed;
   Second, it is violently opposed; and
   Third, it is accepted as self-evident.

-- Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)


 I got blown off the map by a storm on august 1st and just got going again and would also like to send Fla._Deadheader my most sincere condolances . Time is the greatest healer of all ! sincerely U.B
UNCLEBUCK    bridge burner/bridge mender


I read about  the terrible news this morning but people came into my office and I had to leave F.F. Have been thinking all the day about You. My mother left this life two years ago, we knewed about her illness 6-7 years before that.
But when people leave us suddenly.........*have no words*  
Remember the good time You get together. Be happy about the people in the family who are still with You.

I´m sorry for Your loss and thinking about You. / Swede.
Had a mobile band sawmill, All hydraulics  for logs 30\"x19´, remote control. (sold it 2009-04-13)
Monkey Blades.Sold them too)
Jonsered 535/15\". Just cut firewood now.



I've been busy logging and hadn't been able to get on FF for a few days and missed the news. Most everything that can be said...has. I hope that you will always have the fond memories of your wife to comfort you. I pray that the Lord will grant you peace in your heart and that once again... your soul will laugh.

Take care friend....

Missin' loggin', but luvin' the steady check...


  Yesterday evening the neighbors had us over for a cookout. He has been all over the world as a chopper pilot. They had pork with an Argentinian sauce. Goooodd eatin. We all had a good time.

  When we got home, there was a box at the front door. It was one of them Hickry Farms basket thingys.

  Anyone here wanna fess up ???  It was a very fine gesture. Anyone ??? There was NO ID on who had sent it ???

It is highly appreciated.

  There have been a few more responses since my last thank you, so, I am again thanking all who sent condolences. It has an effect that is hard to describe. You are all very kind and my family has been enrichened? for having heard from you folks.  Thank You.
All truth passes through three stages:
   First, it is ridiculed;
   Second, it is violently opposed; and
   Third, it is accepted as self-evident.

-- Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)

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