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Information needed or an Ad

Started by Lavinco, January 06, 2005, 08:44:13 PM

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I'm quite dissatisfied with this forum as I browse through the postings and notice many requests for help and yet my post was deleted right away when I simply requested information and kept it relevant to this forum.


I also posted this in the other thread.

I belive that adds by CONTRIBUTING MEMBERS who have been around a while, are allowed when posted in the COMMERCE section.

If you go down to the commerce section and read the FIRST THREAD in the Wanted and For Sale sections, there are some "guidelines" for use. I don't know what you posted, but if you only came to post an add, I can go read them in my paper.

Just my 2 cents!


We don't have cent's here but if we did you could have mine,
to my mind these forom's are for talking, and information exchange, but at the some time not every question can be answearded, and i for one would prefer no reply to a load of crap that is just there to fill a page.

 my tupence



Your post was an ad and treated as such. Apparently you didn't read much or for very long or you would never have posted it. Your ad was not deleted, it was moved. We figured that you would check in with us, and that if done so in an upstanding manner we would possibly eventually allow it and move it back, even though ads are not allowed by new members as stated in several area of the forum.

Anyone that has read much at all, knows that ads are absolutely only allowed in the commerce section of the Forestry Forum.

Just call me the midget doctor.
Forestry Forum Founder and Chief Cook and Bottle Washer.

Commercial circle sawmill sawyer in a past life for 25yrs.
Ezekiel 22:30


You've made three posts. The first an ad, the second a smart aleck remark to Chet and this one complaining. Anyone interested in using your services just got a good idea of what it would be like to work with you.


Heritage Horselogging & Lumber Co.
"Surgical removal of standing timber, Leaving a Heritage of timber for tommorow. "


I saw your intial post looking for truckers and loggers.  It's my opinion that your harvest methods are not in line with sound hardwood management practices and would not be condoned by most foresters but would be by some "timber buyers".  Tree length logging in a northern hardwood select cut is detrimental.  Nothing over 16' in length should pulled from the woods and I'd prefer a 12' limit.  A timber co. that came to me with a proposal to tree length my hardwoods would be on their back out my driveway much faster than they came in.  If you're "dissatisfied" then go away!
Burnt Gunpowder is the Smell Of Freedom


You claim to be a forester?  Where'd you get your education?
Burnt Gunpowder is the Smell Of Freedom



I have to agree with Norm on this one.  Three posts of which two were negative.

Lavinco I will tell you the same thing many other people on this forum have said.  

Had you followed the forum guidelines there would not have ever been an issue.  Since the Forum held you accountable to the same standard as everyone else you get upset with the forum.  Thats not fair to the forum and I think if you were to regroup and apoligize most folks would think a whole lot more of you.  

I read your first post.  Before I ask my question of you I will give you some history so you better understand why I ask it.

I had conacted a person who was selling some walnut boards a few months ago and questioned the grade of the boards.  His response to me claimed that he knows grading because he is a certified NHLA grader.  Me being a person of accountability decided to check out his claim.  Turns out he lied.  He was not a certified grader and had never been through the 14 week course required to be a lumber inspector from the NHLA.

My question to you is to ensure accountability.  
Are your 5 hired "Foresters" SAF certified?
If not, what certification do they have to call themselves a Michigan Forester.

I read you web site and if in fact you have certified Foresters working for you then I would bet many folks on this forum would appreciate having your orginazation on board to share information with.  

On the other side of things, if you cant support the credentials you claim on your site then most folks here wont want anything to do with you or your orginazaiton.  

Its all about accountability.  


I've seen the type of operation that you run Lavinco.  Maybe it's not yours but I know of them.  My neighbor fell for it.  Had his woodlot logged tree length and everything was taken down to 12" on the stump not DBH that is except the cull trees.  They're still standing :(
Burnt Gunpowder is the Smell Of Freedom



I saw your post when it first came up--before it got moved.

I checked out your website and what I gathered is that you are interested in procuring logs at the lowest price, potentially doing a disservice to the landowner whom you are asking to trust you to give sound forest management advise.

Personally, I would never take advise on what and how much to sell for from the person doing the buying. It just don't make sense.

I can imagine just what a "forester/timber buyer" would advise:

"Clearcut the whole lot and start fresh. We'll pay you by the ton for your whole logs and just leave the tops--you don't need any growing stock anyhow."

Why do you want whole tree lengths anyhow? Are ya runnin' a chipmill or OSB mill as well as a sawmill?

My experience here in the South is that jobs taking whole tree lengths are either a total clearcut or result in major residual damage. Either way, the landowner is out a lot of money longterm.

The other thing that bothers me about your posting is that you are looking for loggers and equipment on an international discussion forum. I can't imagine that your sawmill could have been in operation for 25 years without knowing every logger and knuckleboom operator within 100 miles.

It sounds to me like you don't have the necessary contacts to do your procurement job effectively--I feel for your employer.  

Scott Banbury, Urban logger since 2002--Custom Woodworker since 1990. Running a Woodmizer LT-30, a flock of Huskies and a herd of Toy 4x4s Midtown Logging and Lumber Company at


im also with norm, and urbanlogger, and corley.
dont come on here insulting our forum and our friends and not expect reprocussions.
northern adirondak yankee farmer

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