iDRY Vacuum Kilns


Rough-sawn finish in fine furniture

Started by nybhh, April 10, 2019, 09:17:43 AM

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Don P

The stuff at wallyworld was a photo type laminate I'm pretty sure, sort of like the butcher block formica.
I was thinking today, if you had an attachment on a radial arm saw so that it flush mounted a blade like a Lucas, or for that matter a Lucas and pass over dry dimensioned wood, it'll leave a sawmill finish on a stable dimensioned board. From there sanding, an Osborne brush with nylon grit bristles or I've even used scotch brite on a palm sander to soften the roughness.

You weren't kidding about that website eating bandwidth, I clicked the link and my next click said "You're on data restriction" :D. I doubt that was all of it, tonite is the end of my month, I love it when we use every drop on the last day :)


Lol, yea, that website is not for anyone on a metered connection!  Since the photos got removed by admin, I'll post them to a 3rd party website and put up link to a bandwidth friendly place to view them tomorrow.

I appreciate all the detective work guys. Interesting stuff. @Don P, I love your tagline.

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