iDRY Vacuum Kilns


My New Raker File/Depth Gauge Case

Started by lxskllr, July 12, 2019, 07:36:12 PM

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I baked the bamboo in the toaster oven for 1.5hr @ 300°. Top closes with an old whisky cork. I didn't get the top cut completely flat. I did it quick with a hacksaw. I also may make a separator of some kind to put between the file and gauge. This is a proof of concept, and if it works out, I'll make some for my chainsaw files.


I had no idea their was bamboo in Maryland.  My wife is Thai and they use bamboo for everything from cooking (sticky rice is awesome), food source, ladders, supporting trees and bushes, bird nets and cages, fishing...


I don't know how much of it is native, but people have (foolishly?)planted it all over. I like bamboo. The groves are very pleasant to walk in, and the material is fun to work with, but it can get crazy if planted in an inappropriate area. I'd like to see it more widely used as a material instead of all the single use plastic crap that gets discarded after a few minutes of use. It would make great disposable flatware, and I bet with some clever manufacturing, you could make cheap bowls and other containers. Perhaps separate the fibers, and laminate it with a food safe, biodegradable... something... I'm not a chemist  :^D


Asia does use it for cooking ware, flatware...  But words like "food safe, biodegradable" do not exist.  :)

These sweets made inside bamboo, bamboo sticky rice, are addicting:

Sticky Rice In Bamboo (Khao Lam)

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