iDRY Vacuum Kilns


4 bands for one log

Started by JoshNZ, September 21, 2021, 06:21:29 PM

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Longtime Lurker. I always have been told, 1cm per year and per face. That's 2cm, not far from one inch. 

I can't tell if kiln dried is better or worse. I don't see kiln dried wood often. I can't even tell much besides larch. Well i sometimes work ash, oak, douglas,  pinus cembra, swiss stone pine, and few other mountain pines. But i don't think i have made anything with wood other than larch for two, three years.  ;D

On the website above, what i found interesting, is that he says three months for one inch thick pine or the likes is enough drying time. 
French CD4 sawmill. Latil TL 73. Self moving hydraulic crane. Iveco daily 4x4 lwb dead as of 06/2020. Replaced by a Brimont TL80 CSA.

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