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Hey Quartlow...what is up with the young fella?

Started by Doc, May 20, 2005, 12:18:15 PM

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Haven't seen anything new on him lately. I am hoping that means that things are running right along for the young couple.



Far as I know it is, been pretty busy and this weekend is no differant, I'm sure if he wigged out and did something stupid I would have gotten a call. I'm quite sure if he did something stupid Nancey would have had me come kick his butt   ;D

I should see him sometime next week as I'm about due for more feed. right now with work and home I'm to tuckered to go see anyone. They did stop by last sunday but we where gone, left a note saying they had stopped by.
Breezewood 24 inch mill
Have a wooderful day!!


Quote from: Quartlow on May 20, 2005, 09:29:52 PM
Far as I know it is, been pretty busy and this weekend is no differant, I'm sure if he wigged out and did something stupid I would have gotten a call. I'm quite sure if he did something stupid Nancey would have had me come kick his butt   ;D

I should see him sometime next week as I'm about due for more feed. right now with work and home I'm to tuckered to go see anyone. They did stop by last sunday but we where gone, left a note saying they had stopped by.

Now see, if you hadn't gone and got him a job at the feed mill you might not be so tuckered.....

Not being called to kick his butt surely must be good then.

Now what are you so busy with?



me busy , not at all

Blacktopping season has arrived  :'( And my neighbor corned me to drive truck, Only thing is I have to drive both of them, they take one to a job and I take one to the plant load up and go to the job, ge there I get out of that one and get in the other one and go back to the plant, that show it goes all day, i'm either hauling old stuff off the job, or slag or blacktop into the job.

Get home eat dinner and tackle the either the honey do list, snoop in here, or try to get dsomething done in the shop, that is if the cousin dosn't corner me for some farming project, or need something fixed. then theres the garden, we all know what that entails, especially since I'm anal about layout and mulching so I get a minaumal of weeds. Sundays lately I've been helping my sister. She is going to try and have a sale this year, got the basement cleaned out now we have to go through all the lumber and sort it and probaly skip plane it so I can identify it. I'm guessing theres 20 or 30,00 BF stacked here there and every where.

I have to admit I goofed off  today since it rained we didn't work so worked on the freighshaker some more in between the rain drops, disassembled 15 pallets that where 14 heet long with nice 6 inch wide pine boards on them. they get used for siding on the last machinery shed, should have enough to finish up the job now.

And I haven't loooked at the honey do list in 3 weeks, I'm kind of afraid to now  :D
Breezewood 24 inch mill
Have a wooderful day!!

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