iDRY Vacuum Kilns


New Parts Manuals for Piheiro Planers

Started by swami, June 30, 2016, 09:45:53 AM

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For those of you who own either the Pinheiro 800 or 1000 series planers, there is a new part manual available for free download (PDF) at The one for the 800 is particularly helpful, for it is in English and has exploded views. :P


Thanks I recently installed the 800 and that will come in handy.
Two LT70s, Nyle L200 kiln, 4 head Pinheiro planer, 30" double surface Cantek planer, Lucas dedicated slabber, Slabmizer, and enough rolling stock and chainsaws to keep it all running.


We now also have published a PDF of the AMA-450 gang-rip saw parts drawings. The link is on the home page, and you can also download it from the rip saw page:


Where are you guys getting your tooling for Pinheiro planer/moulders?  Looking for some insert carbide tooling and corrugated knives.  And even some other Pinheiro specific parts.  
Boy, back in my day..

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