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Swing Blade AND (Not Vs.) Bandmill

Started by lawyer_sawyer, September 29, 2005, 05:49:24 AM

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I have been going over shootout results that I found here and on product sites and have a question.

Does anyone run a Swing Blade and Bandmill both?
In reading the information I see pros and cons to each type of saw yet I think the combination of the two in one business would make sense. 
I thing the swing blade could make beams and be further cut down on a Bandmill.  Not sure if this would increae recovery by much but just curious what others thought.

I believe this was mentioned in an earlier post but I could not find it and am hoping to focus just on this topic.
Love the outdoors, chainsaws, my 300 win mag, my wife and my son but not exactly in that order.


Hey Lawyer Sawyer

TN_MAN and son Teen Swinger have one of each.

Frank Pender has a bandmill to go with his Mobile Dimension.

I have another Peterson Customer who was featured in Sawmill/Woodlot in Maine who has a WPF and a WM LT15.

there has to be more...c'mon everybody...



I like the idea of having a bandmill to complement my MD.  There are some things that a band just does better, like that pecan log that Woodbowl cut for me the other day.  I coulda done it on the MD, but the result wouldn't have been as nice.  On the other hand, the MD woulda left him in the dust on the custom job he did with lots of small pines.  Neither one of them could have handled the big pecan log that Brdmkr whacked up for me a few weeks ago with his Lucas, not comfortably anyway.

I see the advantage of having more than one type of mill quite clearly.  I don't see an awful lot of advantage in moving a cant from one type to the other, though. Once you have broken the log down to a cant, any of'em will make boards out of it quite nicely.  IMO, it would have to be some really expensive wood to make the transfer worthwhile just to save a little kerf.

Captain, you can put me on the list as a wannabe. ;) ::) :D
"I don't feel like an old man.  I feel like a young man who has something wrong with him."  Dick Cavett
"Beat not thy sword into a plowshare, rather beat the sword of thine enemy into a plowshare."


Yup, put me on the wannabe list too!
I think they all have their place and am wanting a swinger to go with my band mill.


You guys are just a bunch of wannabee swingers.... Wait, that doesn't sound good, does it.  ::)
So, how did I end up here anyway?


I have both.  

    Peterson 8" ATS and a WM LT15.  Both have their place.  I haven't even untarped the LT though since I got the swinger.  It just suites my type of cutting better.  If the weather holds I will be cutting hickory/cherry this weekend with a micro kerf blade. 8)   If it doesn't work, well I'll probably have to switch over to the band but I don't want to :(.  I'd like to make the WM go away.

    I did a demonstration 2 week ago at a fund raiser for an old school house restoration.  No one there(350 people) had ever seen a swinger before.  Some of the people there liked it some didn't.  Some of them didn't like all the dust some didn't care.  Most commented on the nice cut.  Everyone who had been around a mill before liked the fact you didn't have to turn the logs and you could cut 2x7's without flipping cants on and off the mill.  

The only reason for me to keep my band mill would be that I have one customer that brings me logs that have about 10-15" of sweep in them.  He has me cut them top to bottom and makes chairs, bed heads and benches with curved backs.  I could not do that with the Peterson unless I get the clip on slabbing att.  Not enough $$$ involved but I realy like the guy and would like to keep him as a customer

    The thing I think you have to watch is you will find you have a favorite and the other one will sit idle, then you have an investment that is just sittting there not making you any money.  

Is having both a need or a want? Only you can decide that

Just my .02
Peterson 8" ATS.
The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary.


Part timer.....  now if all you want is for that WM to "disappear"....  I can help you with that. ;D


Lately, I have been thinking that having a band mill would complement my Lucas, but that will have  to be way in to the future (if ever).  I could see where having both would really open some doors.
Lucas 618  Mahindra 4110, FEL and pallet forks, some cant hooks, and a dose of want-to



Tell ya what.  If I decide to just have it disapear You will be the first one I call. :D :D :D
Peterson 8" ATS.
The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary.


Most millers only have one or the other due to cost only.

I have seen a lot of larger circular and band mill being used with a swinger on the side.  Some use the swinger just to breakdown the bigger logs other use each mill for different jobs.  We have a customer in Zambia who took over a large bandsaw and uses his swingers out in the plantations to cut as big a cant as they can to be remilled at the main site for custom requirements.  The reason they do this is fuel costs.  The bandsaw is electric powered and far cheaper then fuel transported out to the bush.  The cants however are cheaper than heavy equipment to transport the big logs.

The traditional mill next door to us has 5 different settups each set for different jobs.  This has saved them considerable time and money in setting up.  The main flow of 4x1 goes through the original mill.

railway sleepers go through a 42" blade circular powered by a tractor and they use a swinger for fence posts and short fat logs and for custom milling.

I currently only have the swinger and use it for just about everything but would like a small bandsaw for the small softwood job we get from trees in town that customers bring to us.

Might have to design one for the EcoSaw frame but dont have the knowledge of bandsaw safety requirements and hp needed for band sizes.



Parttimer... I'm gonna hold you to it now ;D ;D

I can be sneaky if'n ya want..... I'll stay at the families place in Indiana and sneak up in the middle of the night....   you'll leave some milk and cookies for me right??



milk and cookies,  coffie and doughnuts, jack and T-bones.  what every ya want.  just come on up i've got a new dry rub recipe for beef ribs we can try with ?????????.

See 12 posts and we're on food.  I LOVE THIS PLACE ;D ;D ;D
Peterson 8" ATS.
The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary.


You know, Part Timer, I knew I would forget somebody..... :D



That's ok Captain.  Why don't you come out to and we can drink a few and forget a bunch of things. ;D
Peterson 8" ATS.
The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary.


Unless I missed something, Harold still has both. ;)


Peterson 8" ATS.
The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary.


Quote from: crtreedude on September 29, 2005, 12:15:41 PM
You guys are just a bunch of wannabee swingers.... Wait, that doesn't sound good, does it.  ::)

At my age, it sounds like it might be  OK  Gee I wish I could remember :(
A very wise man once told me . Grand children are great, we should have had them first



 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)

Alright...... BBQ     

I'll bring the secret sauce..... ;)


  Ya ain't talkin "Swamp Gator" are ya, Don  :o ;D :D
All truth passes through three stages:
   First, it is ridiculed;
   Second, it is violently opposed; and
   Third, it is accepted as self-evident.

-- Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)



no gators up here, but if you wanna send one up... I'll cook it up ;D

Now if'n you wanna go fish'n... a manatee is much better eat'n than gator.  ;)

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