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I went to the movies

Started by Ernie, November 04, 2005, 05:51:33 PM

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Jan and I went to the movies for the first time in about three years.

We saw "The Fastest Indian in the World" starring Sir Anthony Hopkins.

It was written, produced and directed by Roger Donaldson, that great "down under" director of such films as "Thirteen Days" and "The Recuit"

It is a film about your typical Kiwi backyard do-it-yourselfer working on a shoestring budget, who in 1967 takes his 1920's Indian motorcycle to the Bonneville salt flats and sets a record, which stands to this day, for the fastest, enclosed, under 1000cc motorcycle in the world.

It is a great film without all the Hollywood hype and gives a good insight into the Kiwi mentality and our attitudes and ways of doing things.

See it if you get a chance. 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)

A very wise man once told me . Grand children are great, we should have had them first


Three years is a little bit frequent for us.  But is sounds like a good movie.  I'll keep my eye out.  :)

Bro. Noble

I went to see 'On Golden Pond',  and 'The Green Berets' when they first came out.  DanG it was expensive ::)
milking and logging and sawing and milking


It didn't cost all that much.  $12.00 for Jan and $7.00 for me, its one of the advantages of getting old ;D ;D
A very wise man once told me . Grand children are great, we should have had them first

Bro. Noble


For that kind of cash,  We could have bought the video and dined at McDonalds ;D  Not to mention just having to drive an hour to McDonalds rather than 2 hours to the movies :D :D :D
milking and logging and sawing and milking


Speaking of movies...

My kids and I are excited 'coz the new Harry Potter movie is out here soon. Am a little peeved that we have to wait 2 weeks after USA opens, but oh well.

My kids are taking the day off school, and I have pre-booked tickets already for the first day it opens here.

Can't wait.

asy :D
Never interrupt your opponent while he's making a mistake.
There cannot be a crisis next week. ~My schedule is already full..


Asy, I'll tell you how it ends.   :D :D ;D


Ernie,  We probablely will not see that movie in the US   ............. The title has Indian in it and with the way things are going with schools . Thats a big no no.     The university of Illinois is getting lots of flak for the use of the name Illini . the problem with that is Illinois is also an indian name .
Frick saw mill  '58   820 John Deere power. Diamond T trucks


Don what is it also 7 percent of americans dont believe in god and you have some radicals trying to change in god we trust and the The Pledge of Allegiance.  Everytime they picket we should load them up and send them over seas.  Let them get a taste of what true freedom is.  It always got me how they can make a four or five star movie make mass money and then get on a talk show and complain about the war or our president.  Just my two bits I still remember the thing in washington state with judge bolt.  Also i have four friends over seas right now doing a great job. 
Too many Assholes... not enough bullets..."I might have become a millionaire, but I chose to become a tramp!


How did we get here from a post about an American movie.. made in NZ, about a local NZ guy that in the 60s rebuild his 1920s vintage British motorbike and took it to Bonneville to set a land speed record....

By all acounts it's a cool movie with a great real life story ???


P.S. One review called it a 'Chick Flick for Guys'  :D
Weekend warrior, Peterson JP test pilot, Dolmar 7900 and Stihl MS310 saws and  the usual collection of power tools :)


Quote from: Engineer on November 07, 2005, 05:16:53 PM
Asy, I'll tell you how it ends.   :D :D ;D

I reckon there's a fair chance I can guess how it ends... 

Since I've read the book 5 times.  :D

Am re-reading them all in order at the moment, half way through book 5.

Can't re-read book 6 till I've bought more tissues  :'( :'( :'(

asy :D
Never interrupt your opponent while he's making a mistake.
There cannot be a crisis next week. ~My schedule is already full..


Ernie your spoiling it for the rest of us
all the wimmin will want to go that often now :o >:( ;D

Asy you are so soft and cuddly :)

everybody go see Wallace and Gromit
Curse of the Ware Rabbit 8) 8)


Quote from: iain on November 08, 2005, 02:08:52 PM
Ernie your spoiling it for the rest of us
all the wimmin will want to go that often now :o >:( ;D

Asy you are so soft and cuddly :)

everybody go see Wallace and Gromit
Curse of the Ware Rabbit 8) 8)

Aw Shucks thanks Iain...

The Curse of the Were Rabbit was a seriously good movie. Took the kids to that one.

ALso, what's wrong with the 'wimmin' wanting to go to the movies often. Doesn't mean you have to go.

When Andy doesn't want to see a movie I do, I go with a friend, or his cousin (who goes to movies often), or with the kids (depending on the movie). I don't see the point of dragging him to a movie he doesn't want to see.

Also, we divide movies into "Go see at cinema" and "get the DVD" movies. Ones which require a huge cinematic experience are nicest seen at the cinema. "Last of the Mohicans", The last Samurai", "THe day after tomorrow" and any Harry Potter are examples here. Girlie movies which are usually just stories, and have no 'huge landscape' or massive people scenes are fine to see on DVD. For example, I can't see how any of the Bridget Jones movies are made better or worse by being seen on large screen...

asy :D

Never interrupt your opponent while he's making a mistake.
There cannot be a crisis next week. ~My schedule is already full..


Bridget Jones

whats that?



Quote from: iain on November 08, 2005, 04:57:45 PM
Bridget Jones

whats that?


Since you're a man, I"d be worried if you knew.  :-X

asy :D :D :D
Never interrupt your opponent while he's making a mistake.
There cannot be a crisis next week. ~My schedule is already full..

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