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How is your Spring?

Started by jayfed, May 03, 2006, 10:32:49 PM

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Just curious as to how the woods are greening-up in your parts of the country this spring.

Up here in da UP of Michigan, the aspen/birch/and understory plants started flushing last week.  But, the hardwood overstory which normally follows 2+ weeks later, started at the same time.  Never have seen this happen.

We did have a dry summer / fall with a warmer winter.

Have any of you seen anything different?

Jay, waiting to see what the new IP landowners are going to do with us forester contractors.
A second warmer and drier summer.


Very cool. Fruit trees are starting to bloom but they are late this year. Might be a poor yield.
I have never seen such a mild dry winter, the mountain snow pack is well below average. Another drought is predicted for the Canadian prairies.
old age and treachery will always overcome youth and enthusiasm

Ron Wenrich

Our spring has been not to warm and not to cold.  It seems that spring came a little later than ususal.  The red maple pushed a few weeks later.  Our winter was warmer at the end, but colder in the beginning.

Right now it is starting to get dry again.  We haven't had rain i 2 weeks, and it doesn't look good.  There are still burning bans in place.  I think the moisture is what's going to make or break us this year.  If its dry, it gets real hot.
Never under estimate the power of stupid people in large groups.


I'm looking out the window how, I have a cucumber tree in full bloom. The maple leaves are about 1/3 size and the oaks are a bit behind that. The Dogwoods and fruit trees have almost all lost ther bloom.
Seems like it should be warmer than it is.


Really dry here this spring so far.  I got rid of a bunch of softwood slabs the other week after a nice rain we had, but I won't burn again until we get another soak.  There's been a lot of brush fires in the area lately.  A few weeks ago you could see the smoke from one here in town, and a few days ago it was snowing ash in State College   :(

Other than that, the dogwoods have been in full bloom for over a week now (they're one of my favorites).  The pears and apples have been loaded with blossoms as well.  We had some frosts about a a week ago that I thought would get 'em all, but seems like they all made it  :)


jayfed, I think everything seems at least two weeks early down here in the Harrison area. I know the ice went out on Budd Lake on the 3rd of april when the average is around the 20th. Our maples are leaved out. I fear we might get a freeze with things this early. I don't recall an earlier spring, or for that matter one with as nice of weather as we have had so far
Just call me the midget doctor.
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Commercial circle sawmill sawyer in a past life for 25yrs.
Ezekiel 22:30


Our ice break-up was early too.  There is no snow on the ground anymore and the fruit blooms are all gone with fruit setting.  Oranges and lemons are filling the trees with ripe fruit and the grapefruit are almost gone.  Pears are setting and blue berries are loading the bushes but still green.   Black berries have filled the woods with white bloom and the pines are sending up their candles.

I've put up my ice skates, snow shoes and skis for the summer.  :)


91 muggy degrees today!   TOO hot!
Looks like more of the same rest of the week.
Our snow is gone too. 8)


High temperature today was 41 and I faced the wind with wind speeds 15 gusting to 30.  Where was spring?  :o :D
I eat a high-fiber diet.  Lots of sawdust!


So, how did I end up here anyway?


Spring came here about 14 months ago and finally left about a month ago. In all seriousnes we had rain rain and more rain from spring of last year untill spring of this year. This spring so far has been dryish. But the ground water is still there. When we have gotten rain this spring the rivers and brooks just swell. Not to mention the mud. But trees are starting to bloom so that should help suck up some of the ground water.

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