Auction to support our forum. Aromatic Red Cedar Lumberjack woodburning

Started by Jeff, February 23, 2007, 04:23:18 PM

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I have another wood burning ditty up on the Support Auctions.

This is made from a piece of red cedar with an attached hanger to be used to freshen those spots that may need freshened, or even as a dart board.   :)

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I like the artwork but I hope the buddy is wearing steel toed shoes.  :D
Did you burn these?
... he was middle aged,
and the truth hit him like a man with no parachute.
--Godley & Creme

Stihl 066, MS 362 C-M & 24+ feet of Logosol M7 mill


Yep I did.  :)  Did you see the woodburning thread in our woodworking forum? I've started my largest project to date. I'm doing an old Horse logging scene on a folding hardwood table to put in the support auctions.  I'll take a photo of my progress so far and post it in the woodburning thread in a bit. :)

I'm not sure if our lumberjacks from the early 1900's had steel toes or not. I'm betting no.  :)
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Well, steel toes are safer, and certainly, when something lets go and happens to fall on that steel, it's pretty cool to look down and realize you still have toes. BUT, they just ain't made for folks with swamp feet.   :D


My most sincere apologies to Tammy for my complicity in the depletion of her/your cache of artwork.   smiley_divide
\\\"In the end, it is a moral question as to whether man applies what he has learned or not.\\\" - C. Jung


tcsmpsi, Thanks for taking these fellows off my hands. ;)   Really, thanks a bunch for the support.   :)
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Now, that's a two-way street. 

Of course, there might be just a wee bit of method in that, as well.

Tina has been looking at different pieces of this and that (of course, I can't keep all of them she would like) and different ways to enhance/utilize them.

And, we'll have a few odds and ends off this batch...

though I didn't get much of it in the pic, there are some nice crotch and odd shaped sorts in that short stack

\\\"In the end, it is a moral question as to whether man applies what he has learned or not.\\\" - C. Jung


It sure is a cheap hobby to get into, unlike painting.  :)  Your little lumberjacks are on the way to the post office as I type this. :)
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