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Geomagnetic Reversal

Started by Ron Scott, March 25, 2008, 02:55:00 PM

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Ya know, we joke about it and all but when and if it happens it will be a big problem. But in reality this isn't anything we can do about it except perhaps try to change the way we live and move underground.
remember man that thy are dust.


Tom, directions of travel had to due with which way the wind blows.  Ships sailing down east went with the wind, down wind.  Heading back to Boston they had to sail up wind.  fuzzybear also touch on the way water travels. 

With the poles shifting, I have heard someone else say the Mississippi will or has flowed backwards.  I actually doubt this.  In our past there has been unexplained mass extinctions, pole shifting could have something about this.  With all the earthquakes in the news, China and Greenland we may slowly be changing, well not maybe, we are changing, we are in a constant change.  The declination on our compass and on the topo maps is simple evidence.   Gravitational pull of the Sun on the Earth a, flimsy shell around a molten core, and on top of that we are traveling in an elliptical orbit around the Sun at about 87,000 miles per hour, our hair is bound to bet ruffled.  The poles on Mars is melting and more storm on (I think it's) Saturn, 2 more additional black dots reported on the surface, these are storms. 

With all these and some I haven't mentioned how can we think we are causing global warming with our burning of fossil fuels, we (they) are so vain.  Lets go to our kids ball games and on the week end go fishing.  We only have 4 more years......before they move out and are on their own.   Tim B. 
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This magnetic change will not change the climate at all.  Right now magnetic north is in the south pole and magnetic south is in the north pole.  So when all of this happens then the poles will be right again.

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