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Question for Our Canadian Friends

Started by Mark M, July 03, 2003, 10:15:21 AM

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Mark M

I was just wonderin' - why is it you folks celebrate the 4th of July on the 1st?

Is it because there is an exchange rate on the calender now too just like the money, distance, and temperature?  ;)

 :) Happy Independence Day - a few days late for some and a day early for others! :)



Mark July the 1rst is Canada Day and we don't celebrate the 4rth, we just work. :D
  Oh hold on a minute July the 4rth is a Friday so that means it's party time. :D
  Hey maybe I will head down to the boarder and hang over the 10' concrete wall and watch the fireworks. :D :D



 :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Come on down!


well we celebrate Canada day on the 1st because we are no 1. You realise that we are continually voted as the best place to live in the world. So as we recover from our birthday party, I wish you all to our south a very happy birthday too. We have a neighbor across the lake, who is from Chicago, so he always has a party on the 4th, so we can all get drunk again. have a good time  folks...burlman...

Mark M

Back in 1967 when Canada had its centennial celebration (I was 13) my mom and I went across the river to Ft. Francis Ontario to see a display that was housed in a bunch of semi-trailers. There was one from each provence and the displays were first rate. There was a big celebration on Canada Day and my mom bought me some fire works and we smuggled them across the border into Minnesota. The same summer fellas from each provence paddled big birch-bark canoes to retrace the route of the voyageurs through the border lakes between Mn and Ont and onto the great lakes. I think they were heading to Montreal. I got to see a couple of them go through Lake Namakan and it was quite a treat. I guess I'll have to wait for the bi-centennial to see something like that again. :(



  Mark you should come out my way as the Natives put on some pretty cool pow-wows and some excellent displays. Lots of carved dug outs and displays on the water. I've been studying Native culture for awhile and it's cool seeing them bring back the past for us to see.

Mark M

Hi Steve,

Boy I would like to do that sometime. I don't know much about the northewest Indians but I have seen some pictures. Did you ever take a look at my pow-wow pictures? Here are a Few Shots from the one we have in town each fall. I spent about a hour there last fall and took about 100 pictures. A few turned out pretty DanGed good if I do say so myself.



Mark I did see your pics awhile back and they turned out great. :)
  Where I live in Fort Langley they have an old working fort here and it's just like stepping back in time. :) They trade with the Indians in beaver pelts and gold. Kinda nice on days where I just need a break, all I do is leave my truck at the lumber store and walk 2 streets over to it.
  Across the river there's a place where the Residential Schools were and it's very interesting to learn about how things were back then. It's also very sad to think of how we treated the Natives.
  Here's a very good read. Amongst God's Own by Terry Glavin. He lives on the Gulf Islands and I visited him when the book was put out.


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