iDRY Vacuum Kilns


Quartersaw Price??

Started by Randy, January 14, 2005, 01:50:18 PM

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Hi Guys,
   Maybe it's just a Florida "thing", but like Fla. D. I also charge $.35/bf. This is for logs delivered to my mill. I have figured that with the time it takes to explain what we can and will cut, how we charge, give a "tour of the mill', and unload the logs out of some "high-sided" trailer, I have to make this. I can gross more than that buying, sawing and selling my own logs. The overhead is the same either way, why should I "discount" my service to someone else. If I didn't have plenty of work, maybe I'd think different. As it is, I usually have to work on my weekends to do any custom sawing. Now, I also cut their wood just as I do mine, trying to give them the best product possible. The yield we can give them is 50% more than when we ran a circular mill, and it takes me two times longer, so I think they are getting a fair deal. Apparently my customers do to, as I have logs from 10 different customers on the yard waiting to be cut now.
     Many years ago a man told me he did his job for the financial reward, not for practice...he didn't need anymore practice. I've had enough practice too.
Thirty plus years in the sawmill/millwork business. A sore back and arthritic fingers to prove it!

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