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Tree falls on digger.

Started by woodzy88, January 06, 2012, 04:47:57 AM

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A New Zealand man 49 has been killed when a large pine tree fell on his digger.
He was digging around the roots of the tree to push it over but the tree fell prematurely chrushing him in the cab . Looking at the photo it would appear that the digger wasnt fitted with a saftey structure which is a requirement in N Z . Also as I have handled a lot of large trees with diggers I believe the 11 ton
digger he was using was to small for a large pine which probaly weighed 25 t0 30 ton with the head on.
I feel for his family and his father who witnessed the accident.

Woodzy :(


Saw that one in the news but hadn't seen any pictures or actual info, except the tree fell "unexpectantly".

But I know what those big old farm pines are like.

For the overseas guys, 150ft tall, 4 or 5 ft dbh, and suspect root systems... Nasty

No way you should be trying to take one down with a standard 12 ton digger  :-\

Weekend warrior, Peterson JP test pilot, Dolmar 7900 and Stihl MS310 saws and  the usual collection of power tools :)


Sad day, sorry to hear this, i had a problem of pushing the envelope, sooner or later you will get caught.
Third generation logger, owner operator, 30 yrs felling experience with pole skidder. I got my neck broke back in 89, left me a quad. The wife kept the job going up to 96.

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