iDRY Vacuum Kilns


Rain Cap Sitting on the Ground

Started by Dwyer Hill, November 07, 2011, 07:48:29 AM

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Dwyer Hill

Recently fired up my new installed CB E-Classic 1400 two days ago, found the rain cap sitting on the ground early this morning, any ideas what would have caused this? Weather is quite mild and I was burning scrap lumber, dried soft wood. Should I just leave it off until post heating season?


Hi Dwyer,

Welcome to the forum.

I am confused about your question.  The only rain cap I am aware of has to be removed when operating the stove.  It is used to cover the open end of the stove pipe during the off season.  Please elaborate.



I suspect that you had a small smoke explosion that removed the cap for you.  I have not seen one myself but do understand how it happens.  Basically there is a build up of combustable smoke that when it is supplied with an ignition source (or possibly a supply of oxygen) rapidly ignites causeing a rapid expansion of those gasses which has been described of with a whump kind of sound, and in your case a flying rain cap.

Oh by the way, if you have not learned yet stand behind the door when opening it.  Often the build up of combustible gasses and the ignition source are present but not the oxygen, that is until  you open the door only to allow a rush of oxygen into the mix and a fireball rushing out.  If you like your eyebrows do not be were that fireball wants to be, but instead be behind the door.


Or in firefighter terms...a flashback...low oxygen environment with combustion going on...a little gust of wind can puff oxy down the pipe...
Much more fun when it happens to someone else....
Got Wood?
LT-15G GO chassis added.
WM sharpener and setter
And lots of junk.


Haha the whole stand behind the door thing. I did that on
My first start. For me a onetime mistake. I have since then learned. I was not lucky to have anyone tell me that. It burnt my eyes eyebrows and lips. You know how [I have typed a profane word that is automatically changed by the forum censored words program I should know better and could be banned for doing it] blistered lips are?

Dwyer Hill

Thanks to all who replied, and yes I agree with the "smoke explosion" this case I'm sure that was the cause. In the instruction manual and mentioned by the installer............." stand behind the door" as you open to feed etc. or suffer the conseqences.

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