iDRY Vacuum Kilns


The search for my Saw

Started by GoStumpy, April 07, 2012, 01:00:36 PM

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I'm borrowing a come-a-long from a friend tomorrow, so I'll go out there with a tow-strap and the come-a-long and wrench the entire tree onto it's side so I can finish de-limbing and bucking it up :)  (Friend also volunteered to drive his newly lifted & 35x12.5 tire'd truck up there and pull it over)

I'm proud of my danger-spotting skills :)  I think that'll help me a lot while sawing and felling.

(in my defense with the branch that hit me, I knew it was gonna swing out, figured I might as well test out my new hardhat, LOL)


I've had a 435 for about 3 yrs.  My most used saw.   ;D
\\\"In the end, it is a moral question as to whether man applies what he has learned or not.\\\" - C. Jung


Good job on the saw.  I've had a 55 Rancher for 10 years or so.  Great saw and just the right size for firewood, etc.  As for the chaps, wear them.  When I first came out of school the ballistic chaps were just coming onto the market.  We were running a bunch of shortwood (5 foot sticks) guys with bow saws.  I had one old fellow that had been cutting shortwood for about 40 years.  His legs looked like a roadmap from all of the sawcuts.  We carried the workman's comp on them and I was responsible for safety enforcement with our contractors.  It was a constant battle to get those guys to wear the chaps.  They were bulky and hot.  I stayed on them every time I visited a job.  Anyway, one Friday afternoon I saw him pull into the parking lot at my office.  It was unusual as his son always came in to settle up.  He got out of the car with the chaps in his hand and walked into my office.  He threw them up on my desk.  "I need another pair.  It would have cut me to the bone.  Wish I had these things 40 years ago."  There was a cut in the chaps just above the knee that was about 6 inches long and all the way down through to the inner liner.  He pulled his pants leg up and there were two little marks just above his kneecap.  I never had to remind him to wear them again.  I gave my Dad a pair about the same time.  They are hanging in my basement right now with a cut in them.  He was unharmed.  If you run the saw long, they will eventually save you a trip to the E.R.

"You may tear down statues and burn buildings but you can't kill the spirit of patriots and when they've had enough this madness will end."
Charlie Daniels
July 4, 2020 (2 days before his death)



Saw was snuggled up all winter, brought it out today, took the bar & chain off to clean all the gunk out, looks like we're ready to go!

We had another 5-6 standing dead fall in our walking forest over the winter, as well I have some friends that are interested in firewood.  It looks like I'll be bucking up the 12-15 trees I cut down last year as well as cutting down some more standing dead, and selling the firewood!

Saw leaked ALL of it's bar oil into the case over the winter, not too pleased with that  >:(


Heck, down here in South Carolina, winter is when you cut wood, it is too hot in the summer. I have a pair of Echo saws that have given me good service, but as it has been said here before, a good locally owned dealership is more important than the exact brand of saw.

I have a large Oak that was blown over a little more than a year ago, about 40 inches at the but I have been cutting on. I got it cut up, but as I cut the rounds out of the trunk, I was watching for the stump to try to sit up on me as I sawed each round off. Got to the last one, and was sure it would sit up with me, but no, it did not, did not even move. I finished this about 2 months ago. With all the rain lately, I have not finished splitting all the rounds yet. I went down there last weekend to check on my splitter, make sure the tarp is still over it, and the but is now sitting up pretty as you please.
Located due west of Due West.

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