iDRY Vacuum Kilns


Don't Laugh

Started by etat, August 06, 2004, 08:08:31 PM

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Per Phorester's advice I cut them sasfrass trees.  I put hay rings around  em to protect the sprouts.  Hers's hoping they'll grow back.

Since my grandpa put them trees out I saved everything I could off of them for future use.  I've cut lots a trees before but never sawed one up into a board, or boards, till now.  Weren't that much to save up above all that wire and nails but I did what I could.

My very first time I ever made a tree into a board. :)


Old Age and Treachery will outperform Youth and Inexperence. The thing is, getting older is starting to be painful.


congrats to you Ck on your first boards  8) I'm sure you find some cool thing to do with them .... I never did think of keeping the first board I sawed with my mill ... wish I did ...I did save the fist bullet and nail and well pretty much everything else, I even sawed a clothline pully in two .
  how did it saw .. sasfrass what type of tree is that  ??? ???it sure seams like a nice grain in that there board....
A man does not always grow wise as he grows old , but he always grows old as he grows wise .



What kinda saw ?????? C'mon now, we gotta know. ;D :D
All truth passes through three stages:
   First, it is ridiculed;
   Second, it is violently opposed; and
   Third, it is accepted as self-evident.

-- Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)


I knew you was gonna ask that.  Alrighty then, I ain't ashamed. :D

Cut em down with the ole homelite. Then it got to acting up and I switched to one of them little bitty  green throw away saws. :)

Worked on them teeth and rakers and them safety plate thingies with a grinder for a minute or two and 'let er rip' ;D

I KNOW where there's a bandmill rustin away in a barn but this years wrecks, rain, lack of help, and excessive spending in tryin to finish this ole house is just gonna hafta wait and let it rust a while longer fore I try to buy, or con the guy out of it. :)

It shorely was fun splittin that up thought. 8)

 isawlogs, can't tell ya how it sawed up compared to sumpthin else cause I ain't never tried to split none down the middle before. Unless it was with a ax or wedge or splitting maul.  It seemed lots easier than I would think oak, hickory, and I just know in my heart a lot easier than locus would and weren't no rosin so it wasn't sticky like pine  and I took a hand plainer and touched it up before I took them pictures and sealed it and it didn't clog that little plainer up so I'm thinking it was pretty easy!   Did I say FUN too! 8) 8) 8)

Old Age and Treachery will outperform Youth and Inexperence. The thing is, getting older is starting to be painful.


If you sawed that up freehand with your chainsaw,  you did a pretty good job, Charlie. :)


Had the wife, standing back, watchin me to make sure I was holdin that saw straight.  If she screamed it'd mean I was gettin crooked!  (Didn't tell her about that guy that dropped that saw on his wife's head til after we were through!) ;D
Old Age and Treachery will outperform Youth and Inexperence. The thing is, getting older is starting to be painful.


Don't talk bad about those little bitty green saws I have one of those that has saved the day many times. I have a nice Stihl saw I use all the time but when I get him stuck in a cut cause I didn't move him fast enough guess who comes to the rescue that  little bitty green saw. That little guy has been a life saver many times. It looks kind of funny that big old Stihl stuck in a tree and that little bitty green saw cutting him out.
 :D :D 8)


Way to go CK!!!
Looks plenty good from where I'm sitting. I do like the grain as well.


The only time I didn't bring it was the only time I've needed it.  But isn't that the way it goes.  

So many trees, so little money, even less time.

Stihl 066, Husky 262, Husky 350 (warmed over), Homelite Super XL, Homelite 150A


 :) I had me an uncle one time that decided to cut his own firewood.  Him and my cousin fell off in an oak thicket with a couple of chainsaws they'd come up with from somewhere.  I 'asked' em if they needed any help.  Said they thought they had it under control.  Couple a hours later they come and got me.  Said they had a bit of a problem.  I grabbed that ole homelite, (it was near about new back then) and rode with em over there and we walked off in them woods.  Best I can remember they had 7 or 8 or 9 oak trees cut and hung up together still standing, and had both of their chainsaws hung up and had broke the handle out of an ax. Wonder they hadn't done killed their fool selves.  I was NOT happy.  I spent quite a spell just looking it over and figuring out how to go about attacking it.  Then I spent another little spell cutting me out some escape routes.  I like to have never got all them trees on the ground. ???  

I guess I don't know much about a good saw nowadays.  Now I'm a thinking I'd like to have me one so's I could play around splitting some more trees into lumber.  That was a pretty good feeling, much better than cuttin em to burn like I used to. :)  

 If I was cutting regular I'd probably invest in something a bit more durable. I do however like them little bitty green saws for cuttin little brushy stuff like around a ditch or a fence line or just playin around .  They don't weigh hardly nothing don't cost hardly nothing and pretty much do ok.  (amateur type stuff).

That ole homelite has surely been a good ole saw since  back in the day but it's sure showin it's age, gettin hard to crank, and hard to keep running.

 I remember the first time I ever seen one of them fast running Stilh's. I'd been hearing about them. Later I found  I could pretty much keep that homelite lugging into the wood with a sharp chain and stay with em. My thoughts back then was even though they cut good they'd never hold up turning all them RPM's.  Oh well, they was a couple a more times in my life that I was wrong too! :)
Old Age and Treachery will outperform Youth and Inexperence. The thing is, getting older is starting to be painful.


Well if ya think that was cool................just you wait until you get that there bandmill!  ;D ;) ;)

I don't know about them green saws. I did a ton of cutting with my "wildthing", then I got the 3120xp. Now I almost WANT to lug the 3120xp around with me. Yeah, a cheap little saw for cutting brush and junk, but just think MORE POWER!  ;D :o ;D


Making your own boards can be interesting. I've just got started doing it. Finally made a cheap guide for the chainsaw so I could get reasonably straight cuts. Freehand just didn't work. Smaller trimmings  I use a jointer, planner and then a bandsaw to get dimensional sizes.

A picture of a sink cabinet made from oak prunnings with pine bottom and poplar back.

Have trouble with pictures but will try.


Hi Egon
You got your image posting 90% right

Once you get the image uploaded, click the "add image to post" button, then go back to the post and "insert image code".
That way the image will appear in the post itself.

Oh.. and nice looking cabinet too

Weekend warrior, Peterson JP test pilot, Dolmar 7900 and Stihl MS310 saws and  the usual collection of power tools :)


For Gilman;

Perhaps a better picture of cabinet. On about the seventh try posting picture.


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