iDRY Vacuum Kilns


Kevin has been STUCK for the 5000th time

Started by Tom, October 31, 2001, 07:03:38 PM

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In all his days of wandering the Near North, Kevin will not have been Stuck this bad or This often.  

Jeff has Hung us High, Painted our Face and now, Kevin gets  STUCK TO THE WALL !!!

      This one is kinda fun too.



Kevin, I'm not sure if you've been immortalized or just plain mortalized but it looks like they stuck it to ya! :o :o  I think I've figured out the point of the whole thing and it sure is fun to nail ya to da wall! 8) 8) 8)
"Everybody was gone when I arrived but I decided to stick around until I could figure out why I was there !"


WOW!  took 47 darts and i will be late for work :D
James Mills,Lovely wife,collect old tools,vacuuming fool,36 bdft/hr,oak paper cutter,ebonic yooper rapper nauga seller, Blue Ox? its not fast, 2 cat family, LT70,edger, 375 bd ft/hr, we like Bob,free heat,no oil 12 years,big splitter, baked stuffed lobster, still cuttin the logs dere IAM


Cool, 44 darts, but could ya keep it down a little, I'm AT work!
Uh Kevin, if I were you I'd be a little concerned with the placement of that bullseye. :o


Much better than the underwear game. Hehehehehe

I'll try it later.


Took a moment to play myself.  I played 301  took 23 darts.  The first time I tried I gave up!  I think the secret is is to plan so the double you need is an easy one.

I did stick kevin a couple a times right in the ole red spot! 8)
Just call me the midget doctor.
Forestry Forum Founder and Chief Cook and Bottle Washer.

Commercial circle sawmill sawyer in a past life for 25yrs.
Ezekiel 22:30


i know how to play darts and still my best is 33.  i tried it at school on cable and its almost too fast to line up >:(
James Mills,Lovely wife,collect old tools,vacuuming fool,36 bdft/hr,oak paper cutter,ebonic yooper rapper nauga seller, Blue Ox? its not fast, 2 cat family, LT70,edger, 375 bd ft/hr, we like Bob,free heat,no oil 12 years,big splitter, baked stuffed lobster, still cuttin the logs dere IAM


Just call me the midget doctor.
Forestry Forum Founder and Chief Cook and Bottle Washer.

Commercial circle sawmill sawyer in a past life for 25yrs.
Ezekiel 22:30


Nobody is safe and the sadism is rampant from Florida's coasts to the Canadian Rockies. Here ole' Kevin was minding his own business when out of the dark comes a flurry of pointed darts and pinned him to the wall. It's the least suspecting who turn their backs at the most opportune moment and, like Kevin, slide into the dark passages of Milestones.


I took a coupla shots at that. Was it good for you too, Kevette?   ;D :o :o :o :D :D
"I don't feel like an old man.  I feel like a young man who has something wrong with him."  Dick Cavett
"Beat not thy sword into a plowshare, rather beat the sword of thine enemy into a plowshare."


I`ve got no fight left, spent the day in the woods and I`m bushed!
More of the same tomorrow, first time I`ve seen the sun in a month or maybe more so I`m taking advantage of it.                                                  

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