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tip for old guys(or girls)

Started by, November 01, 2014, 04:05:44 PM

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Someone told me recently that if your are having trouble reading very small print with your reading glasses try putting on more than one pair at a time. Looks ridiculous but works. I was trying to read the very fine print on a very small advil bottle and even though it was in focus it was too small to read. Tried 2, then 3 and then 4 pairs stacked on my head and they acted like a magnifying glass and I could read it easily. At that time 5 pairs of my reading glasses had migrated to my living room chair so I had one pair in reserve. Don't do it near an offspring with a camera or your picture, like mine, will end up on someones face book account.
Life is too short or my list is too long, not sure which. Dec 2014

giant splinter

If you take your glasses and slide them down your nose it can help also, if you have a shnozz like Jimmy Durante it will work even better. ;D
roll with it

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