iDRY Vacuum Kilns


First Broken Band Blade

Started by pine, September 16, 2014, 11:33:20 PM

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RM Farm

Hello Magicman, it was a Lenox Woodmaster C. I'll have to check with the people I bought the blades through and see if they will replace it. Thanks for bringing that up, I didn't even consider that. :)
Thanks, Robert

Woodland Mills HM126; Kubota L3200 with FEL, quick attach forks.


I've broken a fair number of blades and I'd guess that about one in 20 breaks into multiple pieces. It's caused by multiple fatigue cracks working their way across the blade -- one of them has to be the first to break.

I wear a pair of 40 year old target shooting earmuffs for hearing protection. They were designed to filter out the sudden crack of a bullet, which makes them really good when you're close to an internal combustion engine. They also really mask the sound of a blade breaking. All I hear when a blade goes is a "pop".

First time I broke a blade working next to a timber frame shop, everyone jumped -- and then checked to see that I was OK. I couldn't figure out why they were all staring at me :D.
Bruce    LT40HDG28 bandsaw
"Complex problems have simple, easy to understand wrong answers."

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