iDRY Vacuum Kilns


What is this bug killing my junipers

Started by FeltzE, August 22, 2004, 03:58:43 PM

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Something is killing my juniper bushes One of the bushes is looking like it's going to die, It does however have some new growth (a good sign)

I originally thought I got too close with some herbicide and injured the bush but my wife found these today.

The bush has alot of these cocoons on it I didn't see any bugs catapillers or other wildlife

You can see that one bush is almost brown and loosing its leaves.


Ron Wenrich


I planted a privacy break of white cedar.  The buggers started chewing a couple of years later, during the drought.  I have about 50 trees.

So far, I've been using mechanical controls - picking by hand.  I get about 5000 or so a year.  I try to get them when they're small so there isn't too much damage.  But, you can't get them all.  I put them in a plastic bag and tie it shut.  

Next year I might go with an insecticide, since I'm not having any luck in locating Bt.  

The eastern red cedars seem to get only a few and aren't efffected that much.  I have seen eastern reds covered with them and still not have much defoliation.  

The fed says that low temperatures and parasites control them.  I haven't found this to be true.  
Never under estimate the power of stupid people in large groups.


Diaznion if it's still available...   Seems when something works, they ban it...  
"There is much that I need to do, even more that I want to do, and even less that I can do."


Thanks for the info, right now there is only a cpl of bushes infested, Looks like we go picking bugs then follow with an insectacide in the spring for the ones we miss.


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