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This site and Google search engine

Started by whitepine, December 14, 2005, 08:29:12 PM

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Hi About a week ago I asked a question about pyramid tracks on here and later I mentioned that my dream machine was a JD 350 lgp (a type of dozer). I just did a google search for 350 lgp and number one on the google search was my post!!!!  Getting to the top on a google search is the motherload for advertizers maybe the forum can figure a way to benifit from this.


I have been trying to get some of the small business owners interested in perhaps a member-sponsor type link on the front page for just that reason. You will see a few there now that have chosen to do so and take advantage.

The forum has such high traffic now that google finds us an important source of information. Thier google bots are on the site almost daily any more.
Just call me the midget doctor.
Forestry Forum Founder and Chief Cook and Bottle Washer.

Commercial circle sawmill sawyer in a past life for 25yrs.
Ezekiel 22:30


All I can say is they are missing out on a good thing. There are phrases that I have been working at getting for about a year in the search engines - but my website wasn't big enough (it is more than 70 pages with hundreds of photos) to pull me up to the top.

Well, now I have them VERY high - for example:

buy tropical hardwood

I am now number 4 and 5!  8)

Another one:

invest in trees

We are now number one and two.  8)


invest in tropical hardwood

Again, number one and two.  8)  - I can't tell you how long I have been working on getting THAT one!

Perhaps the reason more don't jump on it is that it isn't realized how much a quality link does for you. Since Forestry Forum is about wood, trees, making lumber - if Jeff links to you - google thinks you are the best thing since sliced bread in these categories. Also, since we tend to talk about EVERYTHING, almost anything you do will be pulled up in the categories.

The amount of content on this forum is staggering - and google sees it. It then figures (correctly) that if Jeff has a link to your site - you must be something pretty special.

Jeff - I just thought of an idea for a sponser - given the amount of discussion here about grits - perhaps you should contact one of the makers as a sponser...  :D

Without quality links - unless you are a very large site - you might as well just print out your website and stick it on the shelf. If no one can find you then you aren't using your website effectively.

One thing that makes Jeff's offer so appealing is that you can buy a few months and test it out - and the Forestry Forum is spidered so often that you will see results in days.

On a more concrete results Jeff - my inquires have shot up about 4 to 5 TIMES since I did the member sponsor, and this is in the slow season.  :o

January through July are our biggest months - Chrissy who runs sales is already getting scared.  ;D ;D

So, how did I end up here anyway?


I bet we are numero uno under grrriits ;D
old age and treachery will always overcome youth and enthusiasm


The Forestry Forum is having a monster month. We are going to break all of our old records by a long shot it looks like.  We are averaging now somewhere between 3/4 to 1 million web pages viewed a month.
Just call me the midget doctor.
Forestry Forum Founder and Chief Cook and Bottle Washer.

Commercial circle sawmill sawyer in a past life for 25yrs.
Ezekiel 22:30


So, how did I end up here anyway?


I find this forum by doing some search on google ;) ;D 8)
canadien forest ranger

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