iDRY Vacuum Kilns


square filing

Started by tony_marks, November 23, 2004, 06:10:41 AM

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 ive been trying to start the process of learning free square filing..
 any way ,im doing my best.. had put the 8 pin in ,dan suggested,an was trying to be careful in my filing.. results .. well they dont matter as after testing i found my bar sprocket was binding.. im wondering if chain speed could have been to much for this sprocket ,with 8 pin ,instead of 7..
may just be murphys law again.. but im gonna say again, on looking at this power match 8 pin sprocket ,,it just dont fit .. it came from an husky dealer,and was what they sell as the match for converting an 372,, 7 pin to 8 pin.. u gotta be careful with these
 parts changes. whats suppose to be,, aint,, sometime.
 ps the 7 pin, fit back on smoothly and so much better fit..
 now to sart my square filing education over again. :)


just another beaver with a chainsaw &  it's never so bad that it couldn't get worse.


Looks good to me.  Don't see any beaks.  

How bout few tips?  Ya using a goofy or flat file?

Still trying to learn and can use all the help I can get. :)
Larry, making useful and beautiful things out of the most environmental friendly material on the planet.

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Whats the advantage of square filing over round filing?


 well the advantage is a faster cut.. but in my case, the square filed chain ive come up with,, dulled out too fast in real hardwood..
 now woodsjunkie sharpened some for me .. they definitly held up better than my work..but my round filing aint to bad an i know it will hold up good in clean wood.. hence my going back to that for now.. besides if its done rite. rd filed aint that much slower.
 we not talkin race chain here,, strictly work chain..
  by the way lewee that chain looks good.. kinda looks like it mite hold edge alrite too.



Is it worth square filing when your cutting hardwood?



Done properly it improves efficiency of the chain by 10 to 15%over round filing.  :)
just another beaver with a chainsaw &  it's never so bad that it couldn't get worse.

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