Using Logrite Arch on the end of a winch line?

Started by John Mc, December 27, 2019, 09:06:16 AM

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John Mc

Tammy -

Is the Fetching arch the only arch designed to be able to be used on the end of a winch line?

I'm advising a friend as he shops for an arch. He really likes the idea of bringing the fetching arch into places he can't get with his UTV, and winching it out. However, the size of that arch is a bit big for him. He's looking for a narrower width. He was considering the Buck Arch, but notes that part of the description in the "opertion" tab notes that "Buck is not intended for steep slopes or use with winch lines."
If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail.   - Abraham Maslow


Yes, the Fetching arch is the only one designed to do that.  However, we have made custom pieces for the Tractor arches and even the Buck to do that.  However, there are limitations for all of those.  Have him call us and we will chat and see if a modified buck will work for his situation.

Thanks John for the promotion of our products.

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