iDRY Vacuum Kilns


The Score Of The Day Thread

Started by mike_belben, December 15, 2021, 09:34:10 PM

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I will say that with the thin-ness of the plates that I'm welding to the galvanized (with a gasless mig welder) that I'm hitting the galvanized for a much longer time, just trying to make a puddle, to stick the plate to. The plate almost burns through immediately. I'm not seeing much smoke release though. I won't say none but other than the shine of the plates darkening my helmet prematurely seeing through smoke was not an issue. 

Thanks, guys, for the tips!
New Holland LB75b, Husqvarna 455 Rancher, Husqvarna GTH52XLS, Hammerhead 250, Honda VTX1300 for now and probably for sale (let me know if you are interested!)


If I need to weld something galvanized, I hit it with an angle grinder first and knock off the galvanized where I'm going to weld. Much more pleasant ffsmiley
Burnt Gunpowder is the Smell Of Freedom


Yeah, I've done that too Corley!

I tried a blow torch to heat the area I was about to weld but it wasn't terribly useful. I could have tried an oxy-acetylene torch but I didn't want to waste the gas while I was welding or have to refire it every time. That, and as I reach over to weld I find my stomach hitting parts that are a bit warm, if I used a real torch I'd likely burn myself pretty good. 
New Holland LB75b, Husqvarna 455 Rancher, Husqvarna GTH52XLS, Hammerhead 250, Honda VTX1300 for now and probably for sale (let me know if you are interested!)


The last time I welded a lot of galvanized was early September.  I felt terrible the following days.  I drank milk, which usually helps, but after three days, I still felt bad and just about everyone in my family (mother, grandchildren, children) tested positive for Covid the next week.  I doubt that I contracted it from welding, but I felt bad and  DanG near killed my mother.  She had a tough time with the virus.  

Generally, I grind off as much zinc as I can, have decent ventilation and try to get it done.   


Welp, I ran out of my HF wire, and thought I'd be smart and buy a 10 lb. spool on cramazon. It showed up and sat waiting for me to get the motivation to weld some more plates onto Mr. Discopants. Today was the day!

I put the wire in and found it to not work very well, even though it has great reviews. I can't get it to stick, I can't find the right power setting or spool feed speed, it's throwing the breaker multiple times, all kinds of problems. The HF wire I got was gasless flux core and I don't think the new stuff is for gasless at all... I guess I learned a lesson. Boo.

It's on a 15 Amp circuit breaker. It seems like maybe it'd be good to swap out for a 20 Amp... 
New Holland LB75b, Husqvarna 455 Rancher, Husqvarna GTH52XLS, Hammerhead 250, Honda VTX1300 for now and probably for sale (let me know if you are interested!)


You can't MIG weld (gas shielded, solid wire) if you're not set up with shilling gas. My little wire feed is only set up for flux core, if I tried to run regular MIG wire through it, it would work like using clothes hanger wire in an arc welder- not at all😊
Too many irons in the fire

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