iDRY Vacuum Kilns


Loggers working in Pa?

Started by B.C.C. Lapp, September 14, 2022, 07:46:40 AM

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B.C.C. Lapp

I know some guys don't like to show their location much. I get that. But I'm curious  if there are any members here that are currently logging in Pa.   It would be interesting to see if there were members logging in north western Pa where I'm from that I might even know.  
Listen, or your tongue will make you deaf.

tacks Y

I am in Warren, but no logger. I just pretend once and a while.

B.C.C. Lapp

Close enough Tacks, close enough.  
Listen, or your tongue will make you deaf.


Clearfield county here, looking to buy my first skidder.  It's just my brother hand cutting now, and im skidding with his tiny tj skidder.  I'm looking to buy a 450C tj, or 667 Clark grapple.  As it stands my brother works shorter days, and doesn't have to move very fast for me to skid 4 logs at a time or else by the end of the day im a few whole skids behind.  I need dual arch/winch combo and hopefully that'll leave me waiting for him! I want a skidder i can "grow into" because in time i do plan on a forwarder/processor combo, I don't wanna still have a small cable skidder payment that i cant use and find myself skidder hunting again ya know.  My girlfriend lives up in Kane area, where you at exactly?


Sounds like you know what you need. That's a good start. 


both skidders are very good choices , if it was me you want to stay away from the last bunch of clarks built when Clark was sold , those are not clarks and have stuff like JD rearends in them, not near as good of a machine . But the clarks just before that are about as good of a machine as your going to get . 5.9 cummins , may not be the prettiest with the most bells and whistles like the new stuff but they will pull alot of wood and alot cheaper per 1000 to get wood out 

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