iDRY Vacuum Kilns


My new client and Quarry update

Started by teakwood, February 27, 2023, 07:31:08 AM

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tule peak timber

Hard won flat ground for sure! Us mountain guys feel your pain in the quest for usable space. 
persistence personified - never let up , never let down


ffcheesy ffcheesy it's not a pain with a 30to excavator. took out 20 truck loads today and that hill is still intact!
National Stihl Timbersports Champion Costa Rica 2018


Hardly made a dent in it. Are you trucking it down to the quarry?
IDRY Vacum Kiln, LT40HDWide, BMS250 sharpener/setter 742b Bobcat, TCM forklift, Sthil 026,038, 461. 1952 TEA Fergusan Tractor


No, just dumping it right down the hill, outside the big entrance gate. i will make a lower level terrace there where the planer shapings will be piled up. so the cattle trucks can just shovel it from there. no need to get inside the sawmill area. will make a pic today

behind the kiln, lumber storage, where we where siting for lunch
staircase is gone and the car park is now same level as the house

National Stihl Timbersports Champion Costa Rica 2018

tule peak timber

Nice pics Ramon, we have wet snow falling here predawn. I wish I was in CR !
persistence personified - never let up , never let down

doc henderson

Very nice.  I bet Victoria is very happy with those results.  what fun.
Timber king 2000, 277c track loader, PJ 32 foot gooseneck, 1976 F700 state dump truck, JD 850 tractor.  2007 Chevy 3500HD dually, home built log splitter 18 horse 28 gpm with 5 inch cylinder and 32 inch split range with conveyor powered by a 12 volt tarp motor


Fun! So the fill is going between the road and the planner wall? Isn't that where you have the line of non-productive banana trees?
John Sawicky

Just North-East of Sacramento...

SkyTrak 9038
Ford 545D FEL
Genie S45
Davis Little Monster backhoe
Case 16+4 Trencher
Home Built 42" capacity/36" cut Bandmill up to 54' long - using it all to build a timber frame cabin.


Exactly John, the no good banana trees are way at the start of my driveway, the fill wont get to them. but boy can this hole take some loads. dumped about 35 truckloads and went down and did a stone retaining wall so i can extend the area, now it can easily take 100 loads more. will build that terrain up

just dumping it outside the gate
making a retaining wall (against the public road rainwater culvert)20250306_084918.jpg
you can see the "retaining hole" where the excavator tracks are. at the upper right corner you see the gate. still a long way up  ffcheesy
National Stihl Timbersports Champion Costa Rica 2018


Looking great Ramon! Your gonna have more flat ground then you know what to do with. Not going to recognize the place next time we visit. 
Rotochopper b66 track, #2 Rotochopper b66 track, woodmizer lt40, CAT 277b, CAT 268b, CAT 287c, CAT 277c, CAT299d2, CAT299d3, CAT 299d3, Volvo 70e,volvo70f, volvo90f, Tigercat 724g feller buncher


Banana trees, is that where "banana logs" come from?  :huh? ffcheesy
When I drove dump trucks doing material hauls for excavation, the trick for moving the most dirt in a day was having the right number of trucks running. You wanted the big shovel to keep going steady swinging dirt. Too many, and the trucks would be lined up waiting to load. Too few and the shovel would sit idle to much. 
Haul distance from dig site to dump site also came into play, a short run cycle time and you didn't need as many.
Also they'd have a guy in a dozer blading off the piles at the dump sight. After each load was dumped, he'd knock it down, and the next truck would back in on top of the flattened fill.
Independent Gig Musician and Sawmill Man
Live music act of Sawing Project '23 & '24, and Pig Roast '19, '21, & '24
Featured in the soundtrack of the "Out of the Woods" YouTube video:
"Epic 30ft Long Monster Cypress and Oak Log! Freehand Sawing"

Proud owner of a Wood-Mizer 2017 LT28G19


Man, I had no idea the hills were that extreme Ramon! That got me to my trip to CR, when I thought the house we were staying in was at the bottom of a valley, when it turned out to be on the side of the hill I was quite surprised. You ever check that dirt for gold?
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Quote from: teakwood on February 15, 2025, 07:56:40 AMThanks for all the info. after lowering the tire pressure and having the heavy machine sitting on the tire it's really only one inch (in height/diam) . i bought 2 new 12ply ag tires from a guy who has 5 sitting around, for 500$ each. next week they show up, so i will mount one to see how tall they are, and put the 2 on the back axle, if they are similar i buy one more to match the front. if they are not similar i buy 2 more to have 4 new identical ones, but would loose the one i mounted this week, which would be a bummer.

you right doc, the treats are new and that's because they are bigger and higher.

Heck, the machine is 54 years old and the fixed rear axle has dragged itself in every corner since then and the gears are like factory new, so the engineers  from deere back then did something right!  the B models have a open back diff i think 
ok, after using one of the 2 Russian tires i bought and that sucker develop cracks just after inflating it (probably not from 2018 like the seller assured me) i had a discussion with the guy wanting half of my money back or a super deal on the 3 remaining tires he had left, to at least change them prematurely if they fail. long story short he gave me the 3 tires for 1000$, so now all the tires are new on the machine and have 2 new ones in storage.

first tire has cracks
vorne rechts russenpneu neu, mit Rissen (2).jpg

one of the tires is neat, so i don't know if i got lucky with the 3 remaining tires or not, only time will tell
hinten rechts russenpneu ohne risse.jpg

how do you like my skidder now!? looks slick to me
National Stihl Timbersports Champion Costa Rica 2018

doc henderson

The one with cracks may have had sun exposure.
Timber king 2000, 277c track loader, PJ 32 foot gooseneck, 1976 F700 state dump truck, JD 850 tractor.  2007 Chevy 3500HD dually, home built log splitter 18 horse 28 gpm with 5 inch cylinder and 32 inch split range with conveyor powered by a 12 volt tarp motor


Or as Ramon suspected, very old.  wheeliechair
98 Wood-Mizer LT40 SuperHydraulic    WM Million BF Club

Two: First Place Wood-Mizer Personal Best Awards
The First: Wood-Mizer People's Choice Award

It's Weird being the same age as Old People

Never allow your Need to make money
To exceed your Desire to provide Quality Service

Peter Drouin

A&P saw Mill LLC.
45' of Wood Mizer, cutting since 1987.
License NH softwood grader.


some updates on project "make more room"

incredible the stones that pop up
good progress

making a greenarea behind the kiln
National Stihl Timbersports Champion Costa Rica 2018


liking it!!

hope these palms don't die, we are in dryseason and lots of ruts got cut when you dig them out. we are watering them like crazy

National Stihl Timbersports Champion Costa Rica 2018

doc henderson

Looking like a resort.  I do not know palms, but I bet the small ones will do OK.
Timber king 2000, 277c track loader, PJ 32 foot gooseneck, 1976 F700 state dump truck, JD 850 tractor.  2007 Chevy 3500HD dually, home built log splitter 18 horse 28 gpm with 5 inch cylinder and 32 inch split range with conveyor powered by a 12 volt tarp motor

doc henderson

I want to have a beer in the Palm Garden, next time.  Out behind the woodshed (kiln). :thumbsup: ffsmiley smiley_beertoast.  We can have Rob prepare us raw seafood. 
Timber king 2000, 277c track loader, PJ 32 foot gooseneck, 1976 F700 state dump truck, JD 850 tractor.  2007 Chevy 3500HD dually, home built log splitter 18 horse 28 gpm with 5 inch cylinder and 32 inch split range with conveyor powered by a 12 volt tarp motor

tule peak timber

Looks great ! You have plenty of roots according to the photo, but I might suggest cutting away at least 50 % of the fronds starting at the bottom going up. Keep the water on them.
persistence personified - never let up , never let down


There have been some Palm trees growing in Nova Scotia with the additional help during jan feb covering up 

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