iDRY Vacuum Kilns


Younger Folks

Started by Bibbyman, July 17, 2002, 06:12:23 AM

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Today was the day for Mary and sidekick Brooke to make their run to town.  Mary gave me the long rundown of all the places they'd went and what they'd done.

One thing on their list was a stop at the salon for Mary to get her spring hair cut.  Brooke begged to get her hair cut too.  Mary bargained that if she was going to pay for a hair cut,  she was going to get it cut short.  Brooke timidly agreed.

As the lady was cutting Brooke's hair she was still 'selling' Brooke on the short haircut -  "It'll be cooler.  It won't tangle as much.", and on..  Brooke added,  "And it'll be easier to look for ticks.".

You can take the girl to town but you can't take the country out of the girl.
Wood-Mizer LT40HDE25 Super 25hp 3ph with Command Control and Accuset.
Sawing since '94


This is my little'un at 1½ years old. She loves the boat. She knows whats port side and starboard.

Plasma cutting at Craig Manufacturing


Brooke started kindergarten last Wednesday.   The day before she proclaimed she was going to play on the monkey bars ALL day.  When she and Alex (now in second grade) got home Wednesday evening,  we had a lot of questions about how the day went.   Brooke made it through the day just fine.  I remembered to ask her how she liked playing on the monkey bars - she replied with a smirk, "THAT was a joke.".  Ahh,  the bitter sweet reality of life.

Mary says there is no doubt that Brooke comes from MY side of the family because she's often worried about what we're going to have for the next meal before we've eaten the meal it's time for.  The other evening Brooke went with Mary to get groceries.  On the way home,  she was listing all the things she wanted for supper – ham and beans with fried potatoes and cornbread,  AND biscuits and gravy.   Last evening she was listing to my mom all the vegetables she liked.  Among the list was "corn on the HOB".  Just at bedtime this evening Brooke was listing out what she wanted for breakfast – watermelon, toast, and a little bit of egg.  Mary said, "Is that all?"  Brooke added,  "AND biscuits and gravy."
Wood-Mizer LT40HDE25 Super 25hp 3ph with Command Control and Accuset.
Sawing since '94


Brooke is now ¾ way through her kindergarten year.  The new has worn off.  Just this morning I heard her ask Mary..

"Grandma,  how comes babies ain't born with all theys needs to know?  How comes we always gots to go to school to learn stuff?"  ::)
Wood-Mizer LT40HDE25 Super 25hp 3ph with Command Control and Accuset.
Sawing since '94


 bibby thank you for bring this thead back to the top. i"ve missed this one someway and injoyed it to no end.  ;)


Yeah, Bibby.  I've been enjoying the "Brooke Chronicles" for a couple of years now.  Keep'em comin'! :) :) :) :)
"I don't feel like an old man.  I feel like a young man who has something wrong with him."  Dick Cavett
"Beat not thy sword into a plowshare, rather beat the sword of thine enemy into a plowshare."


Since you asked.

Mary took Brooke and Alex to see Robots last Friday evening.  They enjoyed it. 

On the way home Brooke asked Mary "When to you think that movie is comin' out?" 

"What movie?" Mary asks,

"The one with the Robots!" (Don't you know nothin' Grandma!). 

Mary.. "It came out hon'.  We just saw it". 

(Couple more rounds of confusing talk with no resolution.)

Brooke... "No!  I mean!... When is it comin' out IN A BOX!"

She wanted a DVD of the movie so she could watch it over and over at home.


The other evening my ear started to feel a little warm.  Thought I'd use some hydrogen peroxide on it.  Couldn't find any anywhere in the house.

A while later Mary announced she was going to town to get some groceries and did I need anything and who was going with her. 

As Mary was leaving the house,  Brooke decided she'd go too. But she had to find her coat and get it on.  About then I remember the hydrogen peroxide.  I caught Brooke and asked her to tell Grandma to get me some HYDROGEN PEROXIDE.  Her little eyes were big as and round and shinny as nickels.   

"Ok" she says.

I asked, "Can you say HYDROGEN PEROXIDE?"

She nodded her head yes.


Her little head just nodded again and she said.. "I can say it."

I repeated it again as she ran for the door.  20 feet is a long way to remember something when you're 6yr old.

Mary came home from the store and pitched a bottle in my lap.  Grinned and said,   "Here's your POXEHIGE." :D
Wood-Mizer LT40HDE25 Super 25hp 3ph with Command Control and Accuset.
Sawing since '94


25 years ago, our 3 year old daughter came to visit me in the hospital after my hernia operation.  Naturally she asked what was wrong and when told I had my hernia operated on, her face clouded.  Daddy, you're a man mit must have been a HIMea, Cute Eh?

A very wise man once told me . Grand children are great, we should have had them first


 :D :D  Reminds me of the time, when my daughter was about 4 or 5.  We came across one of those dogs that lies down and rolls on his/her back when you approach.  Amy said, "That's a girl dog, Daddy."  Well, it was pretty obvious, but I asked, "How do you know?"  She gave me that look like I must have been totally stupid.  "Cause it has a pink tummy!" :D :D
"I don't feel like an old man.  I feel like a young man who has something wrong with him."  Dick Cavett
"Beat not thy sword into a plowshare, rather beat the sword of thine enemy into a plowshare."


 :D :D :D :D I have had a blast reading this thread. Never had kids which I now regret but have had a lot of fun with other peoples. My godsons mother phoned me one evening and sounded ready to throw in the towel. Seems 4 year old Stephen had been told several times to leave the garden hose alone. She got busy upstairs and realized things were too quiet (all parents know this sign). Went downstairs to find he had stuck the hose in the kitchen entrance. The kitchen and living room were flooded and water was pouring in the basement.
I asked him why he had done it and he mumbled something unintelligable. "Did you get in trouble?" "YEAH, BIG TIME". "You are not going o do that again are you?" "NO WAY" He is now 13 and has pulled a few more memorable stunts but dang it I love him anyway.
old age and treachery will always overcome youth and enthusiasm


I also have had a blast reading this thread.   :D

Reminds me of being in the sandpit with Joe(4 years old) the other day at work.  He was digging a huge hole and I asked him if he was digging to China.  Thought no more of it.  Next day mum arrives at work baffled cos Joe arrived home and told her he had been digging his way to China - she didnt know where he'd got it from.  So we got him out a globe of the world to show him where China is in relation to New Zealand.  He told mum - see thats where im going.  He then proceeded to take the globe to the sandpit to resume digging his hole.  Mum had to go too - so she could hold the "map" so they knew where they were going and so they would know they were there when they got there! ;D
Hobbies and Interests  

Interests revolve around my partners love of sawmills! - Hence being his NUMBER ONE OFFLOADER - Myself - I like the smell of sawdust. If I had my choice I would have BIG MACHINERY - who wouldn't want their own combine harvester and an 18 wheeler (Scania)


If Brooke is 3/4 through kindergarten, then her teachers and aids already  know almost everything about you, Mary and her parents. :o My wife works as a kindergarten aid at our local school. She comes home almost every night laughing about what some of the children have said. smiley_blush The funny stuff she tells me, but a lot of other stuff she won't repeat, something about pupil teacher privileges.  :-X She says it is similar to the lawyer client privilege law. If parents had any idea how much their young children tell their teachers they would be a little more careful of what they say in their presence. ::)
Things turn out best for people who make the best of how things turn out.


Last night I couldn't sleep for dwelling on unpleasant things I could not change.   I got up and checked the fire and the FF.   I read the added posts onto this tread and then decided to re-read it from the start.  Glad I did.  I hadn't remembered many of them – even some I wrote!

I always enjoyed the old Art Linkletter show "Kids Say the Darndest Things".    Bill Cosby did some shows where he interviewed kids, as did Allen Funt.

I love talking to little kids.  In many ways they are very honest, as they've not learned how to lie or twist their words.  They speak their minds and Lord knows what goes on in there some times.

I try to talk WITH the girls every morning before school and in the evening.  Mary too.   I won't let other kids that stop in go without a little conversation too.

Somewhere on the "Old-er Folks" thread I wrote a little about my Uncle Elmer and how he always talked WITH me when I was a kid.   It was only later I realized how much that meant to me.

Wood-Mizer LT40HDE25 Super 25hp 3ph with Command Control and Accuset.
Sawing since '94


I've gotten a good laugh out of this, I just LOVE kids, as long as they are someone else's!!! :D :D :D :D

I take give them chocalate highs spoile them rotten and give them back. Have had lots of practice too.
12 nices and nephews, and 18 great nieces and nephews.

My great niece Ali who is 3 loves to agitate her 16 year old brother. My nephew and his wife stopped in last nite for a bit and the whole time Ali sat on my lap and sing songed to her Brother, yamaha bad, yamaha bad ;D Ben has a yamaha 4 wheeler, so being the wise sage that I am I whispered in her ear, Honda rules, yamaha drools. She picked right up on it!!!!  :D :D :D :D :D :D
Breezewood 24 inch mill
Have a wooderful day!!


I love kids :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Our eldest daughter, Natacha, mother of our first grandchild, Danielle,  when she was 4 came up with two memorable moments which I think you might enjoy.

Our neighbour across the road, Spence and I were yarning over the gate for half an hour or so and it came time to get back to work.  Spence hollered and whistled for his dog and there was no sign of him.  It turned out that our bithch was on heat and his dog was all knotted up.  Natacha came up to Spence and said, excuse me Mr Radford but I think your dog will be a bit busy for a while.  Needless to say, we broke up laughing  when we realised the situation.

The second time, a few weeks later, we had the local stock agent in our yards sorting out sheep for the next sale, his dog was not working as he would have liked and the air turned rather blue.  Suddenly the agent noticed Natacha standing nearby, blushed and apologised.  Natacha's reply, "That's OK MR Sutton, I've heard all  those words before, I've just never heard them put together that way.

Natacha has turned out to be a great Christian lady, She lives in Brisbane Australia and organises the Youth forums on faith and values in leadership where youngsters from Aussie and some of the Pacifac islands get together with politicans in parliament to promote Faith and Values.  She also represented NZ at Clinton's prayer breakfast a few years ago.



A very wise man once told me . Grand children are great, we should have had them first


This is my grandson showing he is 'soooo big' :D
Do you think this is how Bibbyman started out?   :D

Say when


If'n that was a Woodmizer hat, I'da thunk it WUZ Bibbyman!  :)  Cute little guy. (unlike Bibbyman) ;D
"I don't feel like an old man.  I feel like a young man who has something wrong with him."  Dick Cavett
"Beat not thy sword into a plowshare, rather beat the sword of thine enemy into a plowshare."


You don't EVEN want to see Bibbyman without his bibs! :o

That's my Uncle Elmer.  I cast a pretty big shadow.! ;D
Wood-Mizer LT40HDE25 Super 25hp 3ph with Command Control and Accuset.
Sawing since '94


Quartlow, I am good at that too. Sure is fun listening to the parents complain  isn't it.  I reply' but that is my job"   :D
old age and treachery will always overcome youth and enthusiasm


Although I am MUCH too young for it, I have six grandkids under the age of five, and one more on the way.  I see one bunch or the other about every day.  You just never know where the conversation is heading when they are around.  I like to watch PBR bull riding on TV with them.  One pair of grandsons saw mutton bustin (young kids riding a sheep like a bull, more or less) on tv. They were interested, especially after their mother told them it is an event at a nearby rodeo.  The four year old, a stocky little character, announced he wanted to try MUFFIN bustin  :)next summer.  "Well," his mother said, "You have lots of experience at that!"
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner.  Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote. - Ben Franklin


Brandon, CEO of Timberpro and Noah, CEO of LogRite have become fast friends.  Here they are discussing the future of the two companies while sitting in Captain's old firetruck at the Peterson Demo Day in Norton, MA. ;)

rule#1 nobody ever puts just one nail in a tree  LogRite Tools


Now that's a couple of kids having a very large time! :) :) :) :)
"I don't feel like an old man.  I feel like a young man who has something wrong with him."  Dick Cavett
"Beat not thy sword into a plowshare, rather beat the sword of thine enemy into a plowshare."


We were visiting with "Granny" (my mom) and Alex (in second grade) had a joke for her...

Q..What do you call a baby dear eating grass?
Granny didn't know...
A..A "fawn-mower"...Alex replied.

Brooke (in kindergarten) had a joke too..

Q.. What do you call a 'possum eating an acorn?

Granny didn't know that one either.

A..."A 'possum-acorn-mower!"   Of course.  Brooke says with eyes shinin'.  :)
Wood-Mizer LT40HDE25 Super 25hp 3ph with Command Control and Accuset.
Sawing since '94


My turn to brag about my grandson who is 6.I was cutting down trees,he stays on the tractor and waits for me.I turn off the saw and tell him to come on down when I'm done.I always park the tractor at least 3 trees lenght away.Was only cutting down small hardwood trees,getting ready to cut the pine out.I told him when he gets older I will buy him a saw.When we go into the house he tells his Grandmother when he's 8 I'm going to buy him a chainsaw. :D :D :D :D  Eight is older in his eyes.
Model 6020-20hp Manual Thomas bandsaw,TC40A 4wd 40 hp New Holland tractor, 450 Norse Winch, Heatmor 400 OWB,YCC 1978-79


holy crow! i called my cousin who used to live with us bibby! you brought back some real interesting memories because he was a character! thanks
love logger

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