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Whats Fuel Prices In Your Area?

Started by GF, July 08, 2005, 08:30:01 AM

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I can change my profile okay. No errors. If you can,t remove all the extra info in other fields and try.


UNCLEBUCK    bridge burner/bridge mender


I actually found ONE station that was still at $2.29.9.
Stopped to top the tank off, but will burn most of it on Sat.  :-\

Rockn H

You know, the word gauging keeps coming up every where I go.  Doesn't sound to far off if you think about how much different some of the states are with their fuel taxes and yet how close they are with the actual price of fuel.  The question is who is doing the gauging?  That is how far up the ladder ,so to speak, is it taking place.


It amazes me how often these stations must get their tanks refilled.  Twice a day, by the looks of it!  I mean, that is the only reason they need to be raising prices, right?  Because the wholesale price of the gas went up?  Or does their supplier charge them for the gas in the underground tanks as it is being pumped, so the price for that gas down their just keeps going up and up (and down once in a blue moon) as it sits there under the ground?


Just paid $254.9 for road deisel.


Regular was $2.199 here this morning...Premium was $2.399...cost me $11.999 to fill up the Hogley Davidson  ::) :D :D :D
The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four persons is suffering from some sort of mental illness. Think of your three best friends, if they're okay, then it's you.

Tobacco Plug

I filled up the pickup yesterday and paid $2.279 per gallon for regular here in Sanford, NC. 
How's everybody doing out in cyberspace?


  According to the local "Daily Rag", it's just speculation that is causing the increases. Right now, it's fear of the Hurricane shutting down production. >:(

  Betcha no one knows how the GOLD Market is Manipulated ???

  One Bank, holding the Gold, "LOANS" it to another, to get the price raised a few $, and then it gets sold, BUT, it never leaves the original Bank that "Holds" it.

  I had lots of inside info on this deal.  >:( >:(

  I wood bet it's the same thing with Oil.  >:( >:(
All truth passes through three stages:
   First, it is ridiculed;
   Second, it is violently opposed; and
   Third, it is accepted as self-evident.

-- Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)


Construction is taking a beating here because the gravel haulers have parked their trucks. The rates were last negotiated 10 years ago and they simply cannot afford to operate any more. Cheaper to stay in bed than get up and fire the Kenworth.
old age and treachery will always overcome youth and enthusiasm


Hey Tom you should try making hay and passing on the cost. Five years ago hay was 3.00 a bale now fuel is at least 4 times higher fertilizer probably tripple and hay well it's 3.00 a bale. Something wrong with this picture.
Gas was 2.09 about 3 days ago now it's 2.29. I don't know about fuel Guess i'll have to sighn over the farm on the next fillup  ::) :-\ :'( >:( >:( >:(


Southern BC, just north of the border.
   Regular gas $ 0.979 / litre =  US$ 3.04 / US gallon.
   Diesel $0.889 / litre = US$ 2.73 / US gallon.

37% of that is taxes from the various levels of government >:(.

In the winter diesel was about 10 cents a litre cheaper than regular gasoline -- about 30 US cents / US gallon. In the late spring it shot up to just over the price of regular gas. Now it's drifting back to where it was. I remember hearing 3 months ago that US reserves of fuel oil (i.e., diesel fuel) were high, but gas reserves were very low. However, you can break heavy hydrocarbons like diesel down to lighter ones like gasoline. Looks like the powers that be decided to create a diesel shortage to reduce the gas shortage.

Sawguy, yer in oil country -- no wonder it's so "cheap" up there  :D.
Bruce    LT40HDG28 bandsaw
"Complex problems have simple, easy to understand wrong answers."


In Illinois the ethanol blend gas should be cheaper than non blend . That is because of the tax rate , So if your station is charging more for the blend they are gouging you on price  . I think that you should be talking to the states attuorny general.  The E85 also has federal tax break so if it is more than regular there is gouging going on big time there.   2.34 in Strteator two days ago.
Frick saw mill  '58   820 John Deere power. Diamond T trucks


Hah we got you all beat diesel (road) $8.24 8)
and basic 097 petrol $7.82 8)

we're going away soon to where its already $9.69 and $8.31 :-[

but i think that maybe sweede can beat me on price, around 85% of our price is tax



Iain, do you think it's cool for us to be paying these prices for fuel? :D >:( :(

If petrol/diesel continues to hike in price, we will see a lot more of Buzz-sawyer' type inovations. smiley_book2_page

Sense is not common


Wife got home a little while ago.. She was P/oed   payed $2.59/9 for super...  looks like its headed for $3.00 hold on. Also spoke to a freind whose a buyer for a Heating oil company.. they paid $2.45/6 for fall future this week. he also ordered 2 extra cords of firewood and will be down next weekend to help spilt more..... Green wood is $ 175.00 a cord right now.  Also heard from a local logger that he had to bid $100 a cord for a firewood job and didn't get the job. it went for $115.00 :-\


Timburr its way sad the price of most everything here >:(




Just before I headed off to the lake Friday afternoon I got a call from a real good regular customer. We haven't done anything for them yet this season though.

They wanted to know how much prices went up on account of fuel prices.

My answer was simple, "Not one penny, but we have a new policy though, the machine arrives on site full and it's up to you to make sure it leaves the same way.".

He thought that was about the most fair way he had heard of for passing on a cost that's so hard to peg down and said he had no problem with that at all, and then thanked me for being so fair.  8)

I like treating the customer like I want to be treated.

The boys said he was so happy he followed them down the road to the gas station to fill them up Saturday afternoon and even picked up the tab for cold drinks all around.

Another (still) happy customer.  :)
If you're going to break a law..... make sure it's Murphy's Law.


     Thats about as honest as you can get and stay with something that fluctuates as constantly as fuel does. 


North Idaho is 2.38 on 7/12 for reg..


Gas prices are still cheaper than they were in the late 50's.

Then they were about 1/4 of the hourly wage per gallon. Cheaper than that now, IMO.

But I still don't like the prices now, any better than I did in 1957.   :)

In WI, we are around the $1.40 (I meant $2.40  :-[) mark. Duh!  :)
south central Wisconsin
It may be that my sole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others


Here in Central Pa Reg. is around 2.25 and diesel is 2.45 a gallon.


Guess I should plan on 2.55-2.60 per gallon for the piggy roast trip. At about 18 MPG, for 1375 miles round trip, equals about $185.00 in fuel.  OUCH!!!!!!!!!  :'( :o :'( :o :'( :o


Quote from: beenthere on July 12, 2005, 03:31:10 PM

In WI, we are around the $1.40 mark.

WOW! Maybe I should move to Wisconsin.   8)  :D  :D  :D  :D

When you hang around with good people, good things happen. -Darrell Waltrip

There is no need to say 'unleaded regular gas'. It's all unleaded. Just say 'regular gas'. It's not the 70s anymore. (At least that's what my wife tells me.)



south central Wisconsin
It may be that my sole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others

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