iDRY Vacuum Kilns


First Fight!

Started by Deadwood, October 24, 2005, 08:01:08 PM

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Well me and the Mrs just had our first fight..and of all things, over my beloved chainsaw. Yes, I have a rather unheathy love for my Stihl 046 that might keep the shrinks busy evaluating me for many many years. And sure I wax it so the pine pitch does not stick to it, and yes it is super sharp, but it has never spent a night outside...until a few nights ago.

After 10 days of marriage, I came home to my new bride to find my chainsaw OUTSIDE and in the rain at that! Oh yeah, me and the new Mrs had words, and I do mean words. My chainsaw has always been strategically placed right beside the door just in case I needed it for something. Nice and dry, nice and warm, it has run flawlessly for 10 years and I plan to keep it that way. To come home and find it outside, well that was too much.

So after informing her under no uncertain terms where my chainsaw will reside, I can honestly say for the past five days it has been sitting...

Right outside where she says it belongs!

Am I whipped after only 15 days of marriage?

( Just thought you might get a chuckle out of that silly, but true story)


   ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)

All truth passes through three stages:
   First, it is ridiculed;
   Second, it is violently opposed; and
   Third, it is accepted as self-evident.

-- Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)


Good news Deadwood. The chainsaw will be fine outside and.............your still inside. ;D ;D
Full time custom sawing at the customers site since 1995.  WoodMizer LT40 Super Hyd.


Well, After 11 years of marriage I saw the most true statement on the local church the other day on the way to our church,

                  "A happy marriage is the union of two forgivers"

 Isn't that great? The wife and I have never had harsh words, we don't operate that way but perhaps it would be better if we did. Sometimess I think the green grass "over there" would be better. She has been so tolerant and loving dispite all of my issues, rusty iron(tens of thousands of #'s), tools (ditto), chainsaws (7) trucks(always upgrading), forklifts (3), tractors(2), time building my business, auctions(to many to list), well you get it. We all have our way, hopefully you can find a warm dry place for the saw. Perhaps a nice heated shop  :ofor the saww would be a comprimise. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There is no scarcity of opportunity to make a living at what you love to do, there is only scarcity of resolve to make it happen.- Wayne Dyer


Sound like your well on your way to a happy marrage ;D

The sooner you figure out she's the boss the sooner she'll let you start to win a few of the small ones just to help your pride  ;) ;)

Best wishes for the future


Peterson 8" ATS.
The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary.


I find it better to cherish the wife over the tools.  However, I can offer a one word solution that worked for me when my tools began to get in the way.... WORKSHOP!
Lucas 618  Mahindra 4110, FEL and pallet forks, some cant hooks, and a dose of want-to


Quote from: Deadwood on October 24, 2005, 08:01:08 PM
Am I whipped after only 15 days of marriage?

Of course not. You are just smart enough to let her think she is the boss. ;)
As long as you always let her think she is the boss, you will get along fine. Now build a storage building for the saw. ::) and be glad you are not building a place for yourself. ;D
Things turn out best for people who make the best of how things turn out.


Great advice from Pigman.  Just be sure to leave a little space in there for a cot. ;D :D :D
"I don't feel like an old man.  I feel like a young man who has something wrong with him."  Dick Cavett
"Beat not thy sword into a plowshare, rather beat the sword of thine enemy into a plowshare."


You need a whining room like I built. ;D
Frank Pender


You can't forget to also build your shed big enough to have room for a wood heater.   You never know when that'll come in handy...........  especially on a cold winters night when the whining gets too much, atleast then you'll be warm.
Norwood Lumbermate 2000 w/Kohler,
Husqvarna, Stihl and, Jonsereds Saws


Find a carburator or better yet a transmission, and begin to rebuild it on the kitchen table.  Important Note: Start this while your wife is not home!  This will accomplish three things: 1. That chainsaw by the back door won't seem like such a big thing anymore.  2. The new workshop will now be HER idea. 3.  You will quickly find out how handy your new wife is with a skillet or rolling pin. smiley_smash
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner.  Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote. - Ben Franklin


Faron, you are trying to get Deadwood's picture on the top right of the forum. :(
Things turn out best for people who make the best of how things turn out.


Only 5 post to his name and he already hit on the makings for a HOT TOPIC.
Quote from: Frank_Pender on October 24, 2005, 10:52:45 PM
You need a whining room like I built. ;D
Other names include pout house, sugar shack, wed shed ...........and my favorite,.... the shop!
Full time custom sawing at the customers site since 1995.  WoodMizer LT40 Super Hyd.


Quote from: Coon on October 24, 2005, 10:59:37 PM
You can't forget to also build your shed big enough to have room for a wood heater. 
Be sure to have a coffee pot to put on the heater. You'll need running water to make the coffee so you may as well get a big enough sink to do the job. May want to sit down while yer drinking that coffee so you'll need a comfortabe couch. A good throw rug or carpet helps to insulate the floor too. While your sippin' your coffee, reach over at the coffee table and grab the remote so you can catch up on the news. No use in waisting any time if several things can be incorporated into one. A few snacks around come in handy so make sure the fridg is big enough as well. For the bigger snack items, making them yourself is the only way to go. Make sure you have a four burner stove with oven. Can't be runnin' to the house all day just to hit the bathroom. All you need is a toilet, small sink and a shower stall. Getting a tub seems to be a dead give-a-way. Doncha' think?  ::)
Full time custom sawing at the customers site since 1995.  WoodMizer LT40 Super Hyd.


Only 15 days of marriage, didn't anyone warn you that you would need to be trained like a house pet.

I've found "Yes dear" with glazed eyes to be effective for the last 35 years.
A very wise man once told me . Grand children are great, we should have had them first


Wow, Woodbowl, I like your solution.

Andy and I are still waiting for our first arguement.   :-*

Maybe that's coz he has his own house he retreats to...  I have a house with the kids, he has his house with everything you mentioned (plus air conditioning).   :o

Works well. He can keep his chain saw wherever he likes. :D

asy :D
Never interrupt your opponent while he's making a mistake.
There cannot be a crisis next week. ~My schedule is already full..


Workshop.... that a good idea.

I had one before moving to GA.  My wife decided it was a good place to store he stuff that doesn't fit int he house......  soon it fills with her stuff and I had to consider building myself a new shop to put her stuff in..... 

Today I keep my tools in the basement in our Vacation Rental and at this point I have lost half the space to her stuff..... guess what....  I'm gonna build myself another shop.



You just have to know how to spin it.  Explain that since a new saw is so expensive, but you can honestly (hah!) understand her concerns, you really need to do something to handle this obvious conflict between the need to save money by not ruining a perfectly good saw or a perfectly good marriage.

So, since the marriage is a long term investment, draw up your plans for the workshop, Amortized over the expect duration of the marriage - it will look like a very good investment.

See, that was easy wasn't it?

Another useful tactic that I discovered by accident is this - if I don't get enough time out and about (hiking, fishing, just driving around exploring, etc.) I tend to get crabby. My wife of 25 years has explained to me this is the build up of stress that has to be relieved by physical excercise. Being a 90s type of guy, I made every point to listen to her advice and spend more time doing these things.

In all seriousness, marriage works because both parties are seeking to figure out what the other person needs and helping them get it. Don't assume your needs and hers are the same, and she needs to realize the same is true for you.

Another thing that works very well (I have had more than a few that didn't!) is making deals - "Honey, I will buy this dishwasher if I don't have to do the dishes..." I did this 24 years ago and I still don't do dishes. A deal is a deal.

Besides, we live in Costa Rica, we have a full-time housekeeper and cook - she doesn't do dishes very much anymore either! She told me recently that she likes the weekend when there is no one around so she gets to cook and do the dishes a little bit as amusement.  ::) I explained I never felt the urge...

So, how did I end up here anyway?


Quote from: crtreedude on October 25, 2005, 08:32:11 AM

You just have to know how to spin it. 

There really is an art to a successfull marrage. Women just seem to know somehow. crtreedude has a working system up and running.
Quote from: asy on October 25, 2005, 02:55:31 AM

Andy and I are still waiting for our first arguement. :-*

Maybe that's coz he has his own house he retreats to... I have a house with the kids, he has his house with everything you mentioned (plus air conditioning). :o

Works well. He can keep his chain saw wherever he likes. :D

Asy is every mans dream come true. Some folks get a pleasant intro, others get the shock of their life. Air conditioning in the shop, that's the life.
Full time custom sawing at the customers site since 1995.  WoodMizer LT40 Super Hyd.


Yep, no doubt about it, the best way to avoid fighting is to head to neutral corners sometimes.  ;)

Mine was dubbed "The Toy Box" by my meesus for obvious reasons. It has everything necessary for male life support, four sources of heat including a homemade geothermal system that also gives me a form of A/C, and most importantly, it's own well & septic system.

I tried to upload a picture but I think it's too wide, it is a panoramic view.

Mebbe one of those 'in the know' will be able to do it.  ;D
If you're going to break a law..... make sure it's Murphy's Law.


I have learned after almost 33yrs. with the same woman that the thing to do is
yes dear,yes dear and the almost always works ( bear I do not no what I did wrong but I will go to my room and I am sorry ) ;)



Take it from me, I've had 3 of them, tis better to give in to the wife than demand that things aren't going to change just because you're married! It sure didn't take you long to find that red area. You are building a shop, right? Just get the shop done and the saw will have a nice warm place to reside. Speaking of the shop, I haven't seen any pictures since you started and posted them on the Wood forum. How is the sawdust trough working? I am waiting to see how it works for you and then I might try something along those lines. Let's see some new pics of the shop here!

By the way, cut your beauty some more love tails and she'll forget all about the words you had.

Why not just 1 pain free day?


My personal opinion is to not put up with this for one minute! Chainsaw outside?? You had better set her straight right now before she develops any more bad habits.
A man's home is his castle and he shouldn't have to put up with tools being left out in the rain especially a fine chain saw.
Well I can't talk anymore right now I have to go make my bed ....out in the barn. But don't forget my words above. ;D
Mobile Demension sawmill, Bobcat 873 loader, 3 dry kilns and a long "to do" list.

maple flats

After 38 years and having learned how to win a fight, take it from me, --------    ----------, tell her she's right. My tools are in the cellar or the sugarhouse. The cellar she has taken over about 80% but I still get all of the sugarhouse. I do have to organize it before syrup season though. 8)
logging small time for years but just learning how,  2012 36 HP Mahindra tractor, 3point log arch, 8000# class excavator, lifts 2500# and sets logs on mill precisely where needed, Woodland Mills HM130Max , maple syrup a hobby that consumes my time. looking to learn blacksmithing.


This has nothing to do with chain saws or work shops but.......

My wife of 18 years is a dog person. The little yappy, pooping type that needs a lot of maintenance. The first one was ok. The second I could live with.The third?... Well?..... The fourth was way to much. I hate cats but soon became a cat lover. For every stinking, yapping, pooping dog she drug home I would go out and get a kitten. At one point we had 5 dogs and six cats! We soon came up with a compromise. We now have two dogs and two cats!Me, wife, dogs and cats are all happy. The poor fellows in this war? Well, they all got good homes. Thank God we didnt have to go through this with kids! I wanted one. She wanted two. We have two so she won that battle.
( for now!)

I guess you just have to compromise.

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