iDRY Vacuum Kilns


Jeff B

Started by iain, December 02, 2005, 02:51:57 PM

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Quote from: iain on December 03, 2005, 02:05:10 PM
I wernt hiding id gone to bed
i can see your lights
and i rest my case
but i cant enter the forum from the front page nor can i click smilies


You need to enable javascripting.  found somewhere under tools/internet options/
Just call me the midget doctor.
Forestry Forum Founder and Chief Cook and Bottle Washer.

Commercial circle sawmill sawyer in a past life for 25yrs.
Ezekiel 22:30


Brian - 2004 LT40HDG28 owner.


Thank you Jeff, the security level had been changed to high
see what i mean folks
Jeff "the knower of knowledge and things that are knowable"


ps jeff i've loaded some pics to my gallery fer you and there's a pm some where it will be at about 2678 messages to read :D


Well, I still can't see mine, or some others...

And, owing to the fact that I don't think Jeff's got time to sit and paint little lights on the screen dump, I"ll agree that everyone else can see mine except me :(

So, here I sit, with a small forest with no lights...  hehe

asy :D
Never interrupt your opponent while he's making a mistake.
There cannot be a crisis next week. ~My schedule is already full..


asy, I can see your bright lights without my glasses. 8)
Things turn out best for people who make the best of how things turn out.


Girl you do gotem, all pink and twinklie like
not at all like our boring multi coloured ones
from here it looks like you got extra twinklie



asy if it were me I'd get mad cut them trees down and plant some holly ;) :D



Navigate to a nuetral site, such as google, close all windows that have the forestry forum on them.  Now, in the open browser go up to Tools/ then internet options/   look where it says "temporary internet files"  click the button in that section that says delete files. When the little box pops up select all off-line content and click O.K.

You should have your trees when you come to the forum.
Just call me the midget doctor.
Forestry Forum Founder and Chief Cook and Bottle Washer.

Commercial circle sawmill sawyer in a past life for 25yrs.
Ezekiel 22:30


Also if you aint deleted for a while (or ever), go put the kettle on while you wait

   iain (making sausage boats for supper) 8)



  If it will make you feel better I can see that you dont have a light shining on those trees ...  ;)
A man does not always grow wise as he grows old , but he always grows old as he grows wise .



Quote from: Jeff B on December 04, 2005, 09:18:25 AM

Navigate to a nuetral site, such as google, close all windows that have the forestry forum on them.  Now, in the open browser go up to Tools/ then internet options/   look where it says "temporary internet files"  click the button in that section that says delete files. When the little box pops up select all off-line content and click O.K.

You should have your trees when you come to the forum.

Thanks heaps Jeff...

Still doesn't work, but I value your time and instruction.

I emptied my t-i-f file, and for good measure even emptied the t-i-f file in my explorer (even though I never use it) and still have no lights.

But, in my screen it's only the people with 5 trees that have lights. anyone with fewer doesn't, so maybe that's my problem. Gotta work on plantin' another tree...  :D

asy :D
Never interrupt your opponent while he's making a mistake.
There cannot be a crisis next week. ~My schedule is already full..


Your star has lights. Its got nothing to do with how many you have. The image without lights is GONE. Replaced on the server.

do you see a tree with lights if you click on this link?  This is the address of the image that appears for your trees.

If you don't see lights on this one either your system is definitely caching images and not letting you see the new ones. Are you using any sort of web accelerator?
Just call me the midget doctor.
Forestry Forum Founder and Chief Cook and Bottle Washer.

Commercial circle sawmill sawyer in a past life for 25yrs.
Ezekiel 22:30


Quote from: Jeff B on December 05, 2005, 05:51:16 AM
do you see a tree with lights if you click on this link?  This is the address of the image that appears for your trees.

If you don't see lights on this one either your system is definitely caching images and not letting you see the new ones. Are you using any sort of web accelerator?

Nope, no lights on that tree either...

I'm defective...  :(

It's odd that I see lights on some trees, but not others...  Very odd.

No accelerator, but I am on the Mozilla browser...  But I emptied that cache too :(

Never mind, it's nice with the lights on the trees, very xmassy :D


asy :D
Never interrupt your opponent while he's making a mistake.
There cannot be a crisis next week. ~My schedule is already full..


Quote from: asy on December 05, 2005, 06:26:43 AM
Nope, no lights on that tree either...

I'm defective... :(

It's odd that I see lights on some trees, but not others... Very odd.

No accelerator, but I am on the Mozilla browser... But I emptied that cache too :(

Never mind, it's nice with the lights on the trees, very xmassy :D


asy :D
Asy Hey I thought that I was going nut with you cause I could not see the light on anything but the 5 tree members too. But I hit the "refresh" button like Jeff said and they appeared. It was magical just like Disney.   smiley_hellow_im_here Maybe it has to do with that International Dates line. Oh I guess that would have meant that you would have had them before us don't know what the problem is but they are really cute let me tell you. Now if he could just get your pretty kitty all dressed up for Christmas that would be something.  smiley_headscratch 
Part Timer's Boss & CFO smiley_angel01_halo


QuoteNow if he could just get your pretty kitty all dressed up for Christmas that would be so

Just call me the midget doctor.
Forestry Forum Founder and Chief Cook and Bottle Washer.

Commercial circle sawmill sawyer in a past life for 25yrs.
Ezekiel 22:30


You are pure mean.   :D :D :D  I LOVE it!! 
Say when



That's absolutely hillarious, I LOVE IT!!!


* asy runs across the room and gives Jeff a BIG HUG!!!


asy :D
Never interrupt your opponent while he's making a mistake.
There cannot be a crisis next week. ~My schedule is already full..


8) 8) 8) 8)

I Love It!!!  That is just too cool!


You gonna change it to a green nose for spring?
i think its way cool



8) Jeff you are the man! 8) [/font]
Didn't know what you would do but I know you could do something.
I did not want Asy to be left out of this great Christmas spirt going on here.
I just think that rudolph is going to be a little jealous this year.
Part Timer's Boss & CFO smiley_angel01_halo



Just logged back on this arvo, and my TREE HAS LIGHTS!!!

Still, I like the nose...

"asy the red-nosed cat... 
Has a very shiny nose,
and if you ever saw it
you would even say it glows...

asy :D
Never interrupt your opponent while he's making a mistake.
There cannot be a crisis next week. ~My schedule is already full..


Quote from: Roxie on December 05, 2005, 05:00:38 PM
You are pure mean.   :D :D :D  I LOVE it!! 

Ummmm, Roxie dear, you might want to take it easy on calling Da Bossman 'mean' ........

That donkey of yers is gonna make a plum ugly Rudolph when he puts one of them der blinky things on it's nose too.....

:D  :D  :D  :D
If you're going to break a law..... make sure it's Murphy's Law.


 Or maybe a set of antlers .  :)
A man does not always grow wise as he grows old , but he always grows old as he grows wise .



Quote from: isawlogs on December 06, 2005, 03:23:04 PM
Or maybe a set of antlers .  :)



asy :D
Never interrupt your opponent while he's making a mistake.
There cannot be a crisis next week. ~My schedule is already full..


You lot are spitful, and unrespectfull of Roxies contribution to this forum,
and as such should show her a lot more respect than to suggest antlers, lights and blinky thingys for her donkey
i find it in total bad taste, and demeaning, when what is required is a

small spinning flashing bow tie pinned to that tuft of hair between its ears 8)


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