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Got a new gun today

Started by smwwoody, November 09, 2002, 07:47:39 PM

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Bring me up a rat terrier and you got a deal ;D  My border collie is gettin old and needs a puppy to livin her up some!


Don't you wish you could make times like that last forever Noble?

Nice gun, come to Iowa next fall and we'll chase up some pheasants for you to try it out on.


Thanks for the offer Norm.  Sounds like a good road trip for my and my son.


Nice gun!  What gauge is it?  What's an FID card?
Burnt Gunpowder is the Smell Of Freedom


It's a 12ga Corley5.  A FID card is a firearm identification card.  You need one to buy guns and ammo.  My son is only fifteen so he can only buy ammo.  Don't you need some sort of firearm card?   Up here you can't get one if you have ever committed a felony or have restraining order against you.   What do you need in your state?


Florida is still a free state.

Bro. Noble

Remember the good old days when an NRA member could mail a check to the DCM ( I think that is waht it was called-----the Director of Civilian Markanship) and recieve a surplus military firearm?

Back then our leaders felt that every household had the right to defend itself.  They had the idea that if people were familiar with firearms and could shoot,  we would be less vulnerable to anyone who would want to do our country harm.  Later they evidentally decided that it was silly to think that any group could come on our soil and do us any harm.

Dad and I each bought an O3A3 Springfield @$10.00 each,  A .30 M1 carbine @ $18 each and a .45 ACP for (I believe) $20 each.

We still have them and are willing and able to use them for their original intended purpose.

milking and logging and sawing and milking



Does that mean that your local police department has no criteria that you need to pass or qualify for before you purchase a firearm and/or ammo?  I guess the only ones applying for FID cards are the honest ones :-/  I'm not sure if that's good or bad.  I know they did check with the FBI here to see if I checked out.  I think that's new since 9-11.


I believe that you can still get a military surplus gun now.  The only thing up here is that you have to have a registered gun club certify that you have spent X amount of hours shooting the gun to qualify to buy one.  I don't think that's a bad rule?  I have a few friends that have purchased these guns through this system.  I'm just not sure of how many hours it is?  Maybe some of the other Mass guys can answer that question?


Yep, that means that I can buy whatever I have the money to buy as long as it's not required to have special federal permits as you would need for a  50 cal. machine gun or 106 recoiless rifle or an 81 mm Mortar.  That's how it should be too.  

We all have to be checked by the Feds for not being a felon but the only reason I need to talk to a law enforcement officer in Florida is if I want to apply for a concealed weapon permit.

I'll be honest, if I had to get some bureaucrat's permission before I could do "anything",  I'd be looking to move.

I've never been convinced that the likes of Ted Kennedy knowing what I own does anything but put me under his thumb.

My Grandmom used to tell me that the Japanese didn't swarm all over California because they thought that the American Citizen was armed to the teeth and they weren''t prepared to take on an Army of that magnitude.  I would have to say that the Imperial Japanese Army was right and it's a good thing they kept their war front on controllable ground.

We don't need permits, regulations or inspections for butcher knives or air rifles or Muzzleloaders or Bows and Arrows......yet.  The courts are full of folks who have used them for dishonest means.  When one person gets enough power that he controls another person, it's only a matter of time before the control is complete.

Let's not forget that it's "We, the people......." not "We, the subservients.......".

I don't mean to get on a soapbox but My Freedom means more to me than "what someone else will allow me to have".  I think more along the lines of "what are they trying to take away".


Watch the papers (where they still allow guns to be advertised) and buy from an individual. That way there is no paper trail. Buy from a dealer and they have a record of what you have. We have enough iron for a platoon and only one pistola has paper.   ;)


I can be a man of many words.  But for me,  the right to defend myself, my family, my property, my neighborhood, and my country is fundamental to being a free man.  Take my firearms, take my freedom.
Wood-Mizer LT40HDE25 Super 25hp 3ph with Command Control and Accuset.
Sawing since '94


We do have a 3 day wait in Florida for purchasing handguns, or those long guns that have been designated "assault weapons."  I guess the shotguns and hunting rifles are exempt because you can't kill anybody with them. ::)
"I don't feel like an old man.  I feel like a young man who has something wrong with him."  Dick Cavett
"Beat not thy sword into a plowshare, rather beat the sword of thine enemy into a plowshare."


I don't even mind there being a paper trail.  I don't care who knows I have a gun or rifle.  What I don't believe in is that paper trail being required; or having to get permission from that person who knows I have it to acquire or keep it.

I'll concede that a 155mm Howitzer isn't something I need to keep out in the barn.  I'll let the Military take care of that level of armorment.  


My permit is called a Class A Large Capicity LTC.   It's up to the local police to determine what type you get seeing that they supposedly know you.  You have to submit two letters of reference along with a "short story" on why you want it.  I was told by most of the people I talked with to apply for the Class A and settle for whatever you get.  I know it sounds strange to some of you guys but that's life where I live.  It seems that most states require more for the LTC versus regular permit.  


Not being a Smart A** but why should it be anybody's business "why you want it"?  Would they accept "Because I want it" as a valid answer?  I can see it now. "To terrorize the entire population of the north east United States".

Submitting two letters of reference and a "Short Story" to the designated Government official sounds like y'all have already had freedoms removed.  Having to apply and settling for what you get (from this controlling authority) would be pretty demeaning to me.  Man!, and I have trouble with the Building Inspector and the zoning dept. ???

It's amazing to me how the majority of an electorates constituancy can be persuaded to give up little pieces of freedom from time to time until finally they will accept total domination.  That's how I see it and it's scarey.  It just doesn't make sense to me that someone else knows better how I should lead my life than I do.  I can understand society having rules.  We need them to survive. But they should be in the context of "Don't shoot somebody" rather than "you can't have a firearm".   You know, if they only gave you one bullet then you could only kill one person.  Then they could put you in jail when you went back for the second bullet.

Come to think of it, I wonder why that hasn't been considered? You only need one well-placed bullet to kill a hog.

Well, maybe they could be a nice bureaucrat and allow you to have five at a time. That way you could fill your six shooter and still have an empty chamber to keep you from hurting yourself.

Yeah, I'm being facetious, I know.  I don't mean this to be taken personally.  I'm just blowing off steam. Lost freedom is still where I'm coming from though.


Here in Mi you can buy any long gun with out any permits.  You just go into your store of choice pick out what you want and if you pass the instant background check they'll sell it to ya if you've got the money.  For handguns a permit to purchase from your local sheriff dept is required.  There are no restrictions on ammo sales that I'm aware of.  I get red flagged on long gun purchases from events in my youth and have to wait until the next day to buy the gun unless I go to the sheriff dept first and get a permit to purchase a handgun.  With that you can buy any gun with out the instant background check and possible wait.  I don't like the idea of needed a card to purchase ammo.  I really don't care who knows what guns I have.  They'll have a HE!! of a time taking them away from me anyway.  Even if they could find anything to take.
Burnt Gunpowder is the Smell Of Freedom


My Dad has told me all my life
"Boy, I did not get shot to sh** on Okinawa so you would let someone steel your freedom from you.  My Dad gave it to me and I have kept it and I gave it to you now you got to KEEP it, without it you have nothing!!"    

We are slowley loseing the war on evil hear with the loss of our freedom.   Had we lost WW-2 I think we would be in about the same shape as we are now onley got hear faster.   What did thay die for and what good came of what thay ALL gave this countrey if we just hand over our freedoms like thay have no meaning?   What is the great USA without freedom?   The whole thing is based on freedom and it's ALL that makes us not Mexico, not England, not Russia and without FREEDOM we are just a hollow husk soon to blow away!!


   In Korea there are no firearms in the hands of the people and if it were not for the US Army it would be a nice walk to Soul from the DMZ for North Korea.  You could not walk through the Ozarks like that.  As the Red Coats found out many years ago so will the next bunch that try to invade our soil.   I vote any one out of office that tries to take away any gun rights.  Most crooks do not go to Wal Mart with a personal check and buy a gun to go rob a bank.  They steal it or borrow it and never file any paper work.  You have the right to own or not to own but it is the ability that we must keep.  
   It is bath tubs and cars that are killing more people then guns or war every year.  We just had a guy here crash with no insurance, tags, or license and was drunk to boot.  He will get 1 year in jail and be out in 90 days.  We have the laws in place but no enforcement.  Kill some one with a car, or gun then make sure they can never do it again.  And enforce the laws on the books now or get new judges.
   We must fight for our rights and keep them.  It is these good ole boys with guns in their hands, truck, boat, house, barn and waist bands that keep us FREE.  
  I will now pass along Tom's soap box.


I don't want to start a pi$$ing contest here, just some more thoughts.  I believe rules and regulations come from what society perpetrates in your region.  Politicians tend to make knee jerk reactions to these conditions.  The larger cities in Mass have very large diverse ethnic populations.  There are some ethnic groups that are just plain ignorant and disrespectful.  There are countless shooting in these areas every day.  They happen in neighborhoods that also have law abiding citizens.  The strong gun regulations are supposedly a deterent to these occurances.  There has been a long running battle about gun regulations in this state.   I feel we're losing the fight.  I hear what you guys are saying about losing freedom.  This is the state I was born in and it's where my family and friends are too.  


Ironic,  areas with the most restrictive gun laws have the highest murder and crime rate.  When Florida passed the right to carry law, violent crime fell dramatically - as they have in the 30+ states that have followed their lead.  But socialist in this country still clamor for more gun laws and won't be happy until all are outlawed and we have another civil (or uncivil) war.

I have some long-time acquaintances who live in Pasadena, CA.  From time to time we'd talk about gun control. They were not radical but thought more control was needed - especially on the federal level.  That was until the last riots in LA hit.  The next time we spoke,  they were asking what models would be best for home defense.  It became clear to them that the police were not there to "protect and defend" but to draw the chalk outlines and write the reports.

Son Chris was in the Marines in San Diego when the riots hit LA.  He was part of the Marine contingent that went in to help regain control. He said, "Dad,  we went in with our toys and the Crips and the Bloods didn't want to play anymore."  He also commented that the local peoples were very pleased to see them and were very supportive.
Wood-Mizer LT40HDE25 Super 25hp 3ph with Command Control and Accuset.
Sawing since '94

Bro. Noble

Noble Ma,

I understand what you are saying about those undesirable jerks that get on mind altering substances and use really bad judgement and get involved in illegal activities resulting in someone's death.  I don't think they ought to have guns-------I sure as hell don't think they should be elected SENATOR!!!

milking and logging and sawing and milking


Boy Noble,when you take aim,you don't miss :D
Science isn't meant to be trusted it's to be tested


The other thing you can read into Noble's post is:

Know what you believe in
Stand up for what you believe in
Vote for what you believe in


I can say "I do" to all of the above.When ever politics are being discussed with me,I ask the other person if they voted in the last election.If the answer is no,I tell them they don't have a say,in my opinion.(the answer is no,quite often)

My use of guns against Bears in my yard, has made me unpopular with some of my distant neighbors.I have a ally with my close neighbor, Bob Greene,who is an American WWII Vet.
Bob and I aren't very politically correct,in any sense of the word.
We even believe in God.

Science isn't meant to be trusted it's to be tested

Mark M

I'm lucky to live in North Dakota where political correctness isn't a big deal. We still have Indians and buffalo up here and get along well with both. You can still have a rifle in the back window of your pickup truck and nobody thinks anything of it. I've shot dead limbs out of the trees in my yard and no one thought anything of that either. It isn't unusual to have 20 guns and a thousand rounds of ammo. My grandmother was the first woman in Indiana licensed to carry a handgun. I still have the gun and wish we still had her. She taught me how to hunt, clean game, and to respect living things. She said things like "if you aren't going to eat it then don't kill it." She also said, "never register your guns because that is the first step to loosing them".  I live by what my grandma taught me because she was a very wise woman.

In ND we have to pass a background check and wait a couple of  days when buying firearms. I don't have a problem with this because there are a few nuts out there that shouldn't have guns. I can also understand why some people are pushing for gun control, especially someone who lost a friend or family member in a shooting. They feel the need to fight back and I can't blame them. It's too bad they will end up taking the guns away from the good guys by enacting gun control laws. This spring I went to Switzerland and found it very interesting that every home has at least one gun. All the men are required to serve in the military and each is issued a weapon to keep at home when he gets done with active duty. Switzerland has a very low crime rate and I don't doubt that this is a factor. We also have a pretty low crime rate here too, especially out west where there are a lot of cowboys.

Paul_H do you have any good recipes for bar? My mom used to make the best barbeque bear meat. My dad shot them in the yard too if they didn't go away after a couple of days. DanG they were good eatin'


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