
Poll: Christmas decorations

Started by Ron Wenrich, November 26, 2006, 09:08:28 PM

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Quote from: sawguy21 on November 28, 2006, 10:26:42 AM
Mebbe putting up Christmas decorations would attract a good looking lady.

I've always heard that beauty was only skin deep........................... :D  We've kinda left the ladies out of this discussion;  maybe they'd chime in and give Paschale, sawguy (and the rest of us) their opinion. 8)
Here's to us and those like us; DanG few of us left!


 :D :D :D 8) 8) 8) merry christmas everyone


Well!  Since you asked... :D     I love to decorate for the Christmas season. I would have lights up on the rooftop of the house if I could. One year when we lived in a 1 story home, Norm lifted me up in the bucket of the tractor and I strung lights all along the front of the house. It was beautiful! We have not decorated outside since we moved, but this year I did get a nice wreath with lights for the front door...so I am sloooowly working my way back up to lighting up the whole front.  ;)   

The lovely Christmas tree is another story. Every year since the boys were little we have gone out and cut down the tallest tree I could find. They are fabulous! The guys at the tree farm see me pull up and they just point to the old growth timber section. ::)  After trapsing around the tree farm for hours looking for just the right tree, we crawl under it and saw it down with a hand saw. They don't let me use a chain saw for some reason. Then the guys load it into the pick-up and home we go where Norm is waiting with the chainsaw and the tree stand and  50# bags of sand to hold it steady.  ;D  It takes the good part of the day to get the tree upright and turned just right so the pretty side is toward the room. Then out come the lights and all the pretty Christmas balls and I put the Christmas music on and Norm gets out a ladder and we decorate the beautiful tree. It is truley my favorite time of Christmas...
Women are Angels.
And when someone breaks our wings....
We simply continue to fly ........
on a broomstick.....
We are flexible like that.


I'd like to add the only problem we have with the trees is some owl with spots on it that live in them...they do taste like chicken thou. ;D


Patty, that is one of my best memories from my childhood. Family friends had a woodlot and our family would spend an afternoon hoofing through the snow looking for the perfect tree. Dad cut it with a handsaw then we dragged it back to the yard. The owners always had pots of coffee and hot chocolate with fresh baking waiting for us.  8) Mom and dad are gone and the family is split up so it ain't the same now.
old age and treachery will always overcome youth and enthusiasm


We get helicopter traffic once or twice a week so outdoor decorations wouldn't go totally unnoticed...
I think it's usually Henry Kissinger's helicoptor so perhaps a really big Menorah would be better.  ;)

Deb is a lot like Tom's wife only she's been going through withdrawal while we've been living with my Dad.
We'll finish up the house and be moved in sometime in the spring so next Christmas look out.  :D
... he was middle aged,
and the truth hit him like a man with no parachute.
--Godley & Creme

Stihl 066, MS 362 C-M & 24+ feet of Logosol M7 mill


Sawguy, you need to start your own traditions now.  ;)    cut_tree

I thought my boys would carry on the tree thing when they moved out, but boy was I wrong. My oldest seemed to be almost gleeful when he called to tell me they got their tree-in-a-box put up. My gosh, it came with the lights already strung and everything.  ;D  I was devastated.  ::)   He sent me pics and everything....laughing all the way!
Women are Angels.
And when someone breaks our wings....
We simply continue to fly ........
on a broomstick.....
We are flexible like that.


Patty, that is interesting, and have observed some of the same with my kids.

But maybe they will create their own tradition or display and excitement, and not try to compete with 'Mom' (after all, how do you compete with Mom? they're unbeatable :)). 
south central Wisconsin
It may be that my sole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others


I got nobody to start my traditions with. My sister does not do Christmas, keeps a low profile with her hubby, and her son does tha thang with the inlaws.
old age and treachery will always overcome youth and enthusiasm


We keep it simple.  I put a tractor on the front lawn (this year I'll use the John Deere), and it gets outlined with lights.  The wheels get chaser lights so it looks like they are moving.  We put a stuffed Santa (weighted down with bricks in his pants) on the seat.  Then, lights outline the house and windows.  A pine tree gets some lights, and the back deck rails.  Then the gazebo has it's own tree.  A wreath on each door and a swag between the garage doors, and we're done (with the outside).  On the insde, there's the tree, and several lighted santa's, snowmen and a Christmas bear that reads "Twas the night before Christmas" when you turn it on.  I have preserved and kept several items of the boys artwork from when they were little, and they are hung carefully (with a million inside smiles from their Mom).  And then, I unwrap (very, very carefully) the Nativity Scene that I purchased when I was sixteen.  That get's the place of honor on the two foot wide sill in the living room. 
To me, that is Christmas and presents aren't important, but when you walk in my house, it feels like a special Christmas Village and smells like warm cookies. 

Paschale....at least get a wreath!!   :D
Say when


Quote from: Roxie on November 30, 2006, 05:58:35 AM
Paschale....at least get a wreath!!   :D

Which looks like a ring and which just might............ ::) :) ???   naaahh
south central Wisconsin
It may be that my sole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others


We  just got off the hill.  Three trees in the back of the Geo Tracker/woodsmobile :o 
the smallest was six feet tall. 
one for the deck, one for the basement and one for the living room.  let the fun begin. ;D
Together we got this !


Hey Raphael,

Can you get Kissinger to swing past here and pick me up? He can drop me off in Roxie' yard, I really want to see her Tractor!!!

I bet your Grandbabies LOVE the decorations, Rox!

asy :D
Never interrupt your opponent while he's making a mistake.
There cannot be a crisis next week. ~My schedule is already full..


Yeah, they do Asy!   :)  What's really neat too is that, several of our Amish friends load up the kids in their buggy's and do a drive by each year to see that tractor.  We can't disappoint the kids!!   ;)
Say when


I used to make a nice display out in the yard, not just lights on the eaves, and some floodlights at the base of the Birch trees shining up through them, I like the way it looks, real nice, especially with big snow flakes coming down.

This year there's not much celebrating going here though, so I doubt I'll even risk taking the ladder out to put up the lights.

No point anyways, I will probably find somewere else to be at Christmas this year at least.  ::)
If you're going to break a law..... make sure it's Murphy's Law.

Texas Ranger

first time we literup, it blacked out four counties. ::)

The Ranger, home of Texas Forestry


Say when


Hey Tex, I just knew you were an old softy at heart.  ;)    I imagine your scene brings smiles to many. Good for you!
Women are Angels.
And when someone breaks our wings....
We simply continue to fly ........
on a broomstick.....
We are flexible like that.


Dont let him kid ya. He thinks it'll attract elves and he has a 222 with night vision scope.
I can change my profile okay. No errors. If you can,t remove all the extra info in other fields and try.



I must say I am surprized that the majority voted no decorations.
I just don't have the commercial christmas spirit. I absolutley hate shopping, unless it's for tractor parts or hunting gear or such. So at Christmas time I don't even go in the big stores. Celest puts up a few lghts inside and some mistletoe. I don't buy any guifts but I do give my nieces money, this year it will be a bag full of dollar bills.

Huh, reading this sounds kind of grinchy. But we do have a big dinner with lots of relatives. We do hot mulled cider and are festive. I just burned out on the santa claus thing.

Merry Christmas everyone!
and certanly have a great new year!

Imagine, Me a Tree Farmer.
Jon, Appalachian American Wannabe.


Jon, I like your kind of Christmas, swapping lies with friends and family is the best part.
old age and treachery will always overcome youth and enthusiasm


just another beaver with a chainsaw &  it's never so bad that it couldn't get worse.


My sister makes wreaths. 50 to 75 for sale and she hangs them on the my barn and what ever doesn't sell gets hung on the house...... mostly Balsam-hemlock mix also juniper,white pine and spruce..... her largest wreaths are 6' all wreaths are double sided.....

At present there is a 36" w/ red bow on the farmers porch...... I hope thats all i will have to take down in March.


I am kinda a grinch at first, but I warm up to it and then have a great with it all. We a have a fake tree, we all have allergies!  I have 3-4 boxes of decorations that my gramma has been giving me a few each year.  Rita has several boxes of outdoor stuff and it took me 5 hours to put up what I did, and theres more to go.  I get part done and then want to just keep adding to it.

Tractor all decked out,...  Great, now I have to go to wally world to get more lights! 

Pashale, you never know what might happen.  I have a friend who works at the pentagon, he saw an apartmet that was eminating a green glow.  Kawasaki green to be percise, so being a Kaw-boy he had to investigate.  He met his future wife that night and now they have been married for a coulpe years and are very happy.   Heck its worth a try! 
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