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Insurance availability. FF Association possibility

Started by johncinquo, June 05, 2007, 12:10:23 PM

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EDIT: If after reading this, you have an interest, please send me your name, address or at least state, and how you would like to be contacted.  I can't get quote requests or send them out for "Jimbo".  I will try and PM or email people as the post an interest, but the amount of contacts is growing fast.  I am keeping track of everyone as much as I can by board name and what programs they are interested in, but as it grows you can imagine it is a lot of information.  All information is held in the strictest confidentiality. 

Well I have been working on this idea for awhile now, and am finally posting it up for review and comments.
I have formed a partnership with another agency that writes Property/Casualty (Liability) insurance.  We have been asking and reviewing with carriers to find some markets for sawmillers.  As of now, we are taking applications and producing proposals and quotes for stationary sawmills.  We are working on Michigan applications only, for now.  If you are outside of Michigan and have an interest, please contact me as well.  Once there is enough interest in a state, we will add that state to our menu.  If you have a mobile mill and have an interest, please contact me as well.  Again, once I can show enough numbers and interest, then the carriers will open up to mobile millers.  For them, it simply is a numbers game, they have to be able to spread the risk across a wide enough population in order to justify taking on the risk. 

We are also seeking interest in opening up membership in a Forestry Forum Association.  The FFA is in existence for many purposes, and will have several benefits to its members.  As with all memberships, there may be a small fee involved.  The fee will go directly to the FFA, and help with costs associated with the FFA, and FF itself, and benefiting its members.  One of those benefits will be possible reduced rates on your Liabilty insurance rates.  If you have an interest, please contact me so that we can begin to put the viable numbers together.  I will be working closely with Jeff to set up and put into operation this association.  His vision of having a place where anyone can visit, a rookie or veteran can benefit, and a "Family" of people that come together, will be the key foundation in the establishment of this association.

As a member of the FFA, you will have access to Health Insurance programs that you might not qualify for as a individual, sole proprietor, or family.  We plan on offering this group insurance program in several states right off the bat, but any other states that can show enough interest can be added.  At the same time, if you are better served with an individual plan, we can recommend one for you. 

Please let me know your thoughts, comments, questions, concerns. I am happy to address anything I can and look forward to working with many more FF members either individually or with an association.  Hopefully this will grow to fruition and be a great addtion to an idea that started small and has turned into such a great place. 
To be one, Ask one
Masons and Shriners


John and I talked again today about making this happen for Forestry Forum members. If we were to form an Association, there are many benefits that can open up to us as a group. The idea of an Association is on top of the actual Forestry Forum membership. The Forestry Forum itself would remain as it is. You can join and post and enjoy what ever you find within its virtual walls. ;D  An Association would be an expansion of what we have here. We have such a large group of people now working towards the same goals every day, that we should exploit that. We should use it to find benefits, savings, opportunities, and even influence that are not available to us as individuals.

The purpose of this thread is to gather opinions and find out if the interest exists to pursue this.
Just call me the midget doctor.
Forestry Forum Founder and Chief Cook and Bottle Washer.

Commercial circle sawmill sawyer in a past life for 25yrs.
Ezekiel 22:30



I am interested in some kind of group insurance that could be offered by such an association you describe. In am in Ohio, not Michigan

As a part timer/log scrounger, my primary need would be something along the lines of a simple, hopefully inexpensive liability policy that I could present to a property owner who has a tree/log needing removal or chopped up loaded on my truck and hauled off, or in some case chainsaw milled on site into manageable cants or quarters just to get it moved.

As you know, many (sensible) property owners won't let people on their property with dangerous machinery like sawmills, chainsaws, etc. I spoke to my homeowner/vehicle insurance company about such a liability policy and he looked at my like I had three heads. I don't run a sawmill 10 hours a day, 5 or 6 days a week, so my needs are somewhat minimal, but still need that piece of paper.

Thanks for floating the idea, sounds very worthwhile.


My interest is in the following areas
1) Insurance both stationary and mobile
2) Other insurance such as health
3) Group related discounts on anything else

I am interested in these things, but most importantly, I hope to see the forum remain the place that it's always been.  Jeff, do you have any thoughts on how these changes may affect the advertising and link to the web through the FF ?
Woodmizer LT30, NHL785 skidsteer, IH 444 tractor


I don't expect to change the Forestry Forum website at all because of an association. The Forestry Forum website is the tool that has brought us all together. Those numbers are what can give us opportunity, however we have to have an official association to take advantage. A Forestry Forum Association is a different animal. If it (the association) needed a website it would be separate function from the Forestry Forum. 
Just call me the midget doctor.
Forestry Forum Founder and Chief Cook and Bottle Washer.

Commercial circle sawmill sawyer in a past life for 25yrs.
Ezekiel 22:30


QuoteI don't expect
Amendment to the post above.  I won't change the Forestry Forum for an association
Just call me the midget doctor.
Forestry Forum Founder and Chief Cook and Bottle Washer.

Commercial circle sawmill sawyer in a past life for 25yrs.
Ezekiel 22:30


Quote from: Jeff B on June 05, 2007, 01:01:51 PM

The purpose of this thread is to gather opinions and find out if the interest exists to pursue this.

OK, I'm interested!  Let's get on with the pursuit phase. ;D 8) 8)

I think this is a great idea, and a step forward for this site that has come to mean so much to so many.  It would also add some credence to being a member here.  It sounds so much better to say you are a member of an Association, rather than a website, too. :D

I assume there would be some sort of annual membership dues.  I think that would be a good thing, and part of that could go to help with the expenses of the ForestryForum.
"I don't feel like an old man.  I feel like a young man who has something wrong with him."  Dick Cavett
"Beat not thy sword into a plowshare, rather beat the sword of thine enemy into a plowshare."


Is this gonna be available to those residing outside the USA ???
All truth passes through three stages:
   First, it is ridiculed;
   Second, it is violently opposed; and
   Third, it is accepted as self-evident.

-- Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)


Yes, the Forestry Forum will not change at all.  
The connection is simply how the association got started.  I have been calling it "Forestry Forum Association" for lack of a better term, it could be called "The Home Sawyers and Amatuers Cutters Association" or anything that would work for that matter.  It is common denominator that brings together group of people, that leads to an association.  Co-ops, non-profit clubs, building trades, etc. have similar organizations they work with.
The Forestry Forum will not change.  
Greg, I understand exactly where your coming from.  Its a hobby for a lot of people, and paying a huge bill for insurance to pursue that hobby might put it out of reach for a lot of people.  At the same time, more and more people are charging someone to take a tree away, mill something into lumber, cut on site, cut on shares, and as soon as you have come to an agreement, and you get offer, acceptance, and promise of payment, your in a business deal.  Any accident goes wrong after that, and you can be held liable.  I am hoping to come up with something for the hobbyist to CYA, as well as the guy who is moving into full production and sawing for a living.  I have listened to many different people on here and elsewhere and how they are going about covering themselves, some of it is good, some of it iffy at best, and some of it is just play scary.  If we can offer an option, then hopefully it can help a lot of people out.
Did I mention the forum won't be changing?   :D
I'm taking down info as we go, feel free to send me your inputs and info so I can have a running tally of people interested.  
I posted this in Business forum, it is part of running your "business" even if it is a hobby, and that is a members only area.  Jeff has moved it here and I am sure we will get a lot more views than tucked away in there.  
To be one, Ask one
Masons and Shriners


I currently have decent insurance for my business and my wife (anchor, that is a good thing) provide health coverage thru her work. I would gladly join just to be a part of a good thing, and if ever needed (say, I scale back operations) then perhaps a policy with less exposure for the carrier would make sense for me.

Count me in for the FFA, Reid
There is no scarcity of opportunity to make a living at what you love to do, there is only scarcity of resolve to make it happen.- Wayne Dyer


Quote from: Fla._Deadheader on June 05, 2007, 03:34:11 PM

Is this gonna be available to those residing outside the USA ???

Being a member?  Sure!  Being insured, No. 

We do have plans that cover medical while traveling abroad, but not if you have moved or taken up residency, as I understand you have.  You dont need insurance down there anyway, I hear they just take ya out back if'n you cant work.   :D :o
To be one, Ask one
Masons and Shriners


I'll try to keep up with what goes on, anyway ??
All truth passes through three stages:
   First, it is ridiculed;
   Second, it is violently opposed; and
   Third, it is accepted as self-evident.

-- Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)


Jeff & johncinquo

I would have an interest in the association. At this time I don't have a need for health insurance. You can never tell when that can change.

One of the things that worry me the most if I was self employed would be is health insurance. My sister & brother in law continue to have problems. Maybe my observations are incorrect on this, but it appears (based on my sister and brother-in-law experiences) to me if you are self employed and you have a claim on your insurance plan that the insurance company can raise your rates to such a point that you can not afford them hoping that you will drop there plan. A group plan through an association might help. I would be interested if that is the case.

Sawing part time mostly urban logs -St. Louis/Warrenton, Mo.
LT40HG25 Woodmizer Sawmill
LX885 New Holland Skidsteer


Quote from: stumpy on June 05, 2007, 01:36:46 PM
My interest is in the following areas
1) Insurance both stationary and mobile
2) Other insurance such as health
3) Group related discounts on anything else

I am interested in these things, but most importantly, I hope to see the forum remain the place that it's always been.  Jeff, do you have any thoughts on how these changes may affect the advertising and link to the web through the FF ?

I'm right in line with Stumpy....This will give me the ability to start my company now and get back to my normal homeowners insurance....... ;D ;D ;D
Why not just 1 pain free day?


Quote from: johncinquo on June 05, 2007, 03:39:15 PM
  I am hoping to come up with something for the hobbyist to CYA, as well as the guy who is moving into full production and sawing for a living.


I have listened to many different people on here and elsewhere and how they are going about covering themselves, some of it is good, some of it iffy at best, and some of it is just play scary.  If we can offer an option, then hopefully it can help a lot of people out.

Sounds great, more power to you. Its seems a natural pattern for many that a niche/hobby can eventually turn into a small business, either part time or full. Having access to an organization with "CYA" policies for either situation would be a invaluable from my perspective.

Please keep us posted on your progress,



 I am currently ok with health insurance but as other's have said that can change in an instant.  I would be interested in liability for a portable mill business though. 
Woodmizer LT40 Super 42hp Kubota, and more heavy iron woodworking equipment than I have room for.


FFA is yes, with dues if necessary. I am retired military, health insurance is not a need  I have. I am only 2 years away from medicare with military supplement. Mill insurance and liability would be great. I presently have mill insurance, not liability, through Travelers. Homeowners ???, now with Farm Bureau with annual dues in Association.
Retired US Army, Full Time Sawyer since 2001. 2013 LT40HD Super with 25HP 3 Phase, Command Control with Accuset2. ED26 WM Edger, Ford 3930 w/FEL, Prentice Log Loader. Stihl 311, 170 & Logrite Canthooks. WM Million BF Club Member.



Don K

I will be following this thread with interest. I would love to start my own sawing and woodworking business and insurance is a big factor in stepping out on your own. I feel like I am part of a Assoc. already. OK with me if it goes official.
Lucky to own a WM LT40HDD35, blessed to have a wife that encouraged me to buy it.     Now that\'s true love!
Massey Ferguson 1547 FWD with FEL  06 GMC Sierra 2500HD 4X4 Dozer Retriever Husky 359 20\" Bar  Man, life is getting good!


I'm interested in the sawmill insurance  8)  Looking forward to updates  Pop_corn
Burnt Gunpowder is the Smell Of Freedom


Quote from: Greg on June 05, 2007, 01:31:52 PM

I am interested in some kind of group insurance that could be offered by such an association you describe. In am in Ohio, not Michigan

As a part timer/log scrounger, my primary need would be something along the lines of a simple, hopefully inexpensive liability policy that I could present to a property owner who has a tree/log needing removal or chopped up loaded on my truck and hauled off, or in some case chainsaw milled on site into manageable cants or quarters just to get it moved.

Thanks for floating the idea, sounds very worthwhile.

I'm in the same exact boat as Greg, heh even the same state. This is something that is of great interest to me.
Breezewood 24 inch mill
Have a wooderful day!!


Count me in for the sawmill and maybe the health too. :)

Truck Farmer/Greenhouse grower
2001 LT40HDD42 Super with Command Control and AccuSet, 42 hp Kubota diesel
Fargo, MI


FFA is a great idea, with whatever might be involved.
Anything that helps cut costs is worth some disscussion.



Woodmizer LT40HDG25 / Stihl 066 alaskan
lots of dull bands and chains

There's a fine line between turning firewood into beautiful things and beautiful things into firewood.


Count me in with Stumpy and Burlkraft. That's 3 Wisconsin requests :)

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