iDRY Vacuum Kilns


best way to season firewood

Started by donbickley, December 04, 2000, 06:48:21 AM

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Hello all,
   I was wondering if someone could tell me the best location to season firewood... inside, such as a basement where it's heated, or outside covered?


Another Don! oh my... Welcome!

Don, I would say humidity has more to do with seasoning conditions then temperature. Thus, I would say outside, covered, with sufficient airflow around and through the wood, would be the best.
I can change my profile okay. No errors. If you can,t remove all the extra info in other fields and try.


Thanks for the welcome Jeff, and for the info. It's most appreciated :)


A photographer, A perfect candidate for our Cristmas contest! I hope you enter.
I can change my profile okay. No errors. If you can,t remove all the extra info in other fields and try.


ummmmmm hehe... I had that "joke.exe" virus sent to me, and as I was fumbling with paranoia to delete that email, I accidently deleted the email announcement for the contest! I'll go to the website though and check it out.

Ron Scott

Best to season firewood outside under a cover at least a year in advance of use if possible. Always have a years supply ahead for good seasoned wood.Too much wood inside the warm home at one time will activate any "bugs" brought in with the wood. You may start seeing their sawdust piles on the floor and you may not want that in the home. Large firewood piles in the home are also a safety hazard should you ever be unfortunate to have a house fire. The inside wood may be difficult to suppress and possibly cause more unnecessary fire and/or smoke damage to the home.


Hi Ron,
   Thanks for the info, makes a lot of sense. I'm aware of the fire danger... would never think about storing the majority of wood indoors. I have some green wood that I wanted to burn this winter though, and why I was wondering.
   Funny what you said about the bugs hehe. I had some wood in once and it happened to have had a black ant colony in one block. 6 ant traps (and a lot wiser) later, and no ants. They sure did 'crackle' though!

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