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Average Sawyer Age ?

Started by SCSawyer, August 29, 2007, 09:05:51 PM

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Im 25 and have been around the WMs since I was 2  :). Been sawing for about 4 years now...
The name's Ian. Been a sawyer for 6 years professionally, Dad bought his first mill in '84, I was 2 years old :). Factory trained service tech. as well... Happy to help any way I can...


Pineywoods, you have me beat by a little, I'll be 69 next April, still sawing when I get a chance in between other chores.


Quote from: LT40HDD51 on September 04, 2007, 11:39:32 AM
Im 25 and have been around the WMs since I was 2  :). Been sawing for about 4 years now...

(sigh)  I got socks older than that. ::)
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner.  Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote. - Ben Franklin


I guess I'll have to change my user name in five more years  ::) sawyerfiftyish. I've been sawing since I got out of school in 1981 had another sawyer show me how. Started out on an old American manuel mill that wore me out as much as I wore it out. Now I run a frick #1 with air over electric carrige


Well, my wife and children tell me I'm not old.  The insurance companies tell me I'm not young.  The only thing I can determine from that is, I must be middle-aged.  ;D

On back yonder, as a younger fellow, I helped ol' man McGinnis run his old Belsaw circle mill and get abused by his mules from time to time. 
Took on a job at a commercial mill, running a (condemned) gang saw for a while.
Still own the remnants (the dba and an occassional job) of a building and remodeling bussiness I started in '75 (1975) ;D, but phased out of several years ago, and had really looked at having my own mill.

But, things are things, and it wasn't until July of 2006 that I finally took ownership of a nice, new, shiny LogMaster bandmill.  I slice up my own trees, and those of other folks.  Every chance I get.  Or, make.   :D
\\\"In the end, it is a moral question as to whether man applies what he has learned or not.\\\" - C. Jung


 8) hi my mate miley is 74 going on 24 and still going strong  ::) and hes got work booked for the next 10 yrs :D
smile through the tears


  8) cool thread  8)

I am slightly above average (59)  ;)

Have done enough woodworking to know its an addiction and I will be a sawyer whether I know anything about it or not. First I built a chainsaw mill then I bought an old home-made circle mill. Haven't got it running yet but the pieces are coming together. 44" blade, 12' carriage, 46' track


43 been sawing for about 12 years started with an old circle mill.
last 5 with a band mill.
Fred 8)
Baker 18M
Woodmaster 718 Planer/ molder

Handy Andy

   55, and I'm a new sawmiller, only had my mill about 1 1/2 years, but the young guy I bought it from had lots of experience.  He turned me onto this forum, you know him as Horselogger.
My name's Jim, I like wood.


Old thread but still relevant no pun intended. 

I was thinking about this the other day. How many of you see "younger" folks taking an interest in the
industry beyond just being there for labor?

I have seen in my limited time "older" sawyers who work alone or with one helper.
Local small mill closed those two gentlemen were in their late 40's to mid 50's
other local mill the would put the owner in his late 50's- and his helper is in his early 50's.
Only exception I see are the Amish who are sawing in the northern tier of NY

DGDrls turing 50 this year :o

giant splinter

Quote from: SCSawyer on August 29, 2007, 09:05:51 PM
Hey guys I was told today that I was to young to know much about sawing and was wondering what the average age of the sawyers is in here so I will know if I can tell this feller to ~#^* well you get my point >:( Thanks guys ???

Who ever it was that threw that statement at you is clueless and sitting on his shoulders.  ;D
roll with it


  guess I'm in the 12.5 group I mill alone on a swing saw don't know why I haven't been doing this all my life,I saw just for myself and friends have enough project to last awhile been slowed down with a bad knee but next month that will be a thing of the past can't wait,we are lucky their are still some young people out their with enough getup to take up sawing most young people don't like the work now days I guess I will do this till I can't.


I have been sawing off and on for about 20 years and still don't know all that I should know. Started with a Foley Bellsaw one lol sawmill, and now have a Wood-mizer LT40 g28 manual and I love it just saw for myself and a few friends. I am 70 years young and in most cases can out work most 20 year olds.
LT40G28 Manual Woodmizer


Will be 62 in 14 more days.  Had my lt15 about 3 months.  I will be buying a Husqvarna 372 XP  with my first social security check. Oh what a feeling!
Woodmizer LT15
Husqvarna 550xp
Husqvarna 372xp
Husqvarna 350
Husqvarna 55 Rancher
Husqvarna 181se
Kubota L4701


Well, I see the 61-70 group could use a few more members so I changed groups from when I first voted.

Whatever I can do to help out you older folks :D :D.
Larry, making useful and beautiful things out of the most environmental friendly material on the planet.

We need to insure our customers understand the importance of our craft.


Will be 75 in nov. and started sawing when i was about 35 with a circle mill-now have a TH bandmill and am milling out my next little house.....


I'm 37 years young and hope to stay that way!

Frick 0 Handset - A continuing project dedicated to my Dad.

410 Deere, 240 Massey... I really need a rough terrain forklift :)

Sawing Since 1-19-2013 @ 3:30 pm
Serving Since 2002
"Some police officers give tickets, some gave all."


Knothole Sawmill, LLC     '98 Wood-Mizer LT40SuperHydraulic   WM Million BF Club Member   WM Pro Sawyer Network

It's Weird being the Same Age as Old People

Never allow your "need" to make money to exceed your "desire" to provide quality service.....The Magicman


71 and still on the green side of the grass
A very wise man once told me . Grand children are great, we should have had them first


I'm 41 and have had a mill for one year.  I have just enough experience at this point that I'm starting to know what questions to ask. 
It's the going that counts not the distance!

WM LT-40HD-D42


I'm 57.....First thing in the mornings I feel 25.......but get older as the day goes on.  :D
The older I get I wish my body could Re-Gen.


I'll be 54 this month going on 70


I will be 52 in a few days going on 14.   :D One of my friends and I did not meet up until we was in our 20's. Good thing too. We would of got into some trouble or got hurt or all 3. Raider Bill says,the first 50 years of childhood is the hardest.  :D
Model 6020-20hp Manual Thomas bandsaw,TC40A 4wd 40 hp New Holland tractor, 450 Norse Winch, Heatmor 400 OWB,YCC 1978-79


Quote from: POSTONLT40HD on September 02, 2013, 04:16:13 PM
I'm 57.....First thing in the mornings I feel 25.......but get older as the day goes on.  :D

I'll be 62 in eight days... In the morning I 85 and at the end of the day I feel 106.   :D ;D

J. A. Vance circular sawmill, 52" blade, powered by a 70 HP 9 1/2 x 10 James Leffel portable steam engine.

Inside this tired old mans body is just a little boy that wants to go out and play.

Great minds think alike.....  Does your butt itch too?

Alan Rudd
Steam Punk Extraordinaire.


Quote from: POSTONLT40HD on September 02, 2013, 04:16:13 PM
I'm 57.....First thing in the mornings I feel 25.......but get older as the day goes on.  :D

     I got a year on him.  And I know exactly what he's saying! :D
Buying a hammer doesn't make you a carpenter
WoodMizer LT50HDD51-WR
Lucas DSM23-19

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