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My very own governor as Republican Vice President nominee!

Started by Warbird, August 29, 2008, 10:59:27 AM

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You know its to bad we can't take members of the donkey and elephant and make co-presidents. I like McCain because he stands up for vets, especially Vietnam vets, the lost soldiers. I hate his big business attitude. I like Obama's, its time to listen to the little people. I hate his, we're going to give them everything attitude. Who's going to pay for it? I'm a independent, have always been and always will be. Its absolutely stupid to vote for anyone just because their a member of a certain party. Theres plenty of idiots in both parties.
Too much work-not enough pay.


RASMUSSEN: Palin More Popular Than Obama or McCain... Developing...   

That's all I could find...  smiley_headscratch
Wood-Mizer LT40HDE25 Super 25hp 3ph with Command Control and Accuset.
Sawing since '94


My wife is part of the management team of a couple of surgery centers.  Yesterday she went to the lounge for a cup of coffee.  Several surgical techs were gushing about Obama, his "stage presence" etc.  Before she got out, one of them asked, "Aren't you voting for Obama?"  Chris allowed that was not too likely, but that she was impressed with Sarah Palin.  One to the techs sniffed, "I could tell you were a Republican."  "How could you tell?" asked Chris. "Is it stamped on my forehead or something?"  The gal practically spat, "Those earrings.  Those rich Republican woman earrings." :D The whole bunch agreed that the expensive earrings gave her away.  Now, my wife is a lady and a professional in every respect.  She dresses appropriately for her job.  But we are country folks to the core, and expensive jewelry has no home here.  Her wedding rings are just what you would expect a kid just out of high school could have afforded-very very inexpensive! :D   The rich Republican woman earrings most likely came from Walmart, or were given to her as a gift.  Funny how people draw assumptions.  My wife is bright, competent, thoughtful, quiet, religious, and not profane or loud. I wonder if that doesn't set her apart more than a pair of cheap earrings. smiley_devil_trident
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner.  Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote. - Ben Franklin


Bibby, thanks for the efforts in finding the information.  I was just curious about it.  It is amazing how things get downplayed in the media.

Faron, people often attack that which they fear.  Look at what has happened to Palin in the last week!  Tell your wife that she is in good company.   smiley_sun


Quote from: Faron on September 05, 2008, 10:41:24 AMMy wife is bright, competent, thoughtful, quiet, religious, and not profane or loud. I wonder if that doesn't set her apart more than a pair of cheap earrings. smiley_devil_trident

Faron, you describe my wife to a tee.

Share this with your wife if you care to. My wife recently resigned, honorably I might add, from her position as a Charge Nurse at a dialysis facility. She loved her job and was very good at it. Obviously or she would not have been given such responsibility as what goes with being the Charge Nurse. If someone had died on her watch the buck stopped there, and people do die while being dialyzed and it is not uncommon. One whole center in this company was shut down in Texas last year because people were dropping like flies, and that's another story. I draw this parallel because this matters in your wife's job too, as she has a ton of responsibility, and her employees and co-workers who make her stress level any higher for personal reasons are extremely inconsiderate and unprofessional.

But the aspect she did not like, which took a while to deveop, was the very thing your wife experinces on a daily basis. "The cold shoulder" to put it mildly. Only one of her other nurses accepted her for who she was. The other nurses, *all* of the other nurses even the one who did like her, were smokers and partiers. Not knockling that at all. But since my wife would not accompany them on their smoking breaks, and engage in the pervasive gossip and profanity, she was an outcast. She never was critical of any of them openly except to one who was always taking smoke breaks when she was supposed to be on the floor, but because she was not "one of them" she was disliked.

It is written that this would be the case. The Lord provided a way for my wife out of that. And it is good because she was beginning to hate her job toward the end because of it. It is really good for me because she is with me now all the time . . except when she goes to the hardware store or something to get some mineral spirits like she is now. ;D

I am sure your wife has a thick skin and can handle it, but just remind her that her travails are not uncommon, they are shared by many other good women such as herself, and that her, my wife, and the Palins of the world are the glue that holds this whole crazy thing together. 8)

Edit: I would like to add, sincerely, I am not knocking any other political orientation or saying anyone or any other group of people are bad or anything like that. I sure don't have a spotless past myself. I just thought I might offer some encouragement to someone with whom I can totally relate.
The oil is all in Texas, but the dipsticks are in D.C.


Quote from: Bibbyman on September 05, 2008, 09:39:16 AM
RASMUSSEN: Palin More Popular Than Obama or McCain... Developing...  

That's all I could find...  smiley_headscratch

"Perhaps most stunning is the fact that Palin's favorable ratings are now a point higher than either man at the top of the Presidential tickets this year. As of Friday morning, Obama and McCain are each viewed favorably by 57% of voters. Biden is viewed favorably by 48%. "

A lot more reveling statistics in the report...

Palin Power: Fresh Face Now More Popular Than Obama, McCain – Rasmussen Reports

I did see yesterday that in a poll of just Palin (as president) vs. Obama,  Palin came in 39% to Obama's 49%.  That's just after 6 days in the national political scene!

You know, maybe they should shake up the lineup.  Make it a Clinton/Obama VP vs. Palin/McCain VP?   Then we'd have a fight! 
Wood-Mizer LT40HDE25 Super 25hp 3ph with Command Control and Accuset.
Sawing since '94


Any chance we will ever hear any policy positions for either Palin or McCain?

The only way Joe Biden is going to have any chance to look good in a debate with Palin will be to stick 100% to the issues and pick apart whatever plan the Rep duo comes up with.  If he dares to say anything about her character or experience he will be lambasted for being a chauvenistic pig.  Palin on the other hand will have free reign to criticize every detail of Biden's life and belittle him for any reason.  It will be interesting to watch this play out.

I gotta give McCain credit for his pick.  It certainly has changed the dynamic and placed Biden at a serious disadvantage.
One With Wood
LT40HDG25, Woodmizer DH4000 Kiln


Quote from: Faron on September 05, 2008, 10:41:24 AM
My wife is part of the management team of a couple of surgery centers.  Yesterday she went to the lounge for a cup of coffee.  Several surgical techs were gushing about Obama, his "stage presence" etc.  Before she got out, one of them asked, "Aren't you voting for Obama?"  Chris allowed that was not too likely, but that she was impressed with Sarah Palin.  One to the techs sniffed, "I could tell you were a Republican."  "How could you tell?" asked Chris. "Is it stamped on my forehead or something?"  The gal practically spat, "Those earrings.  Those rich Republican woman earrings." :D The whole bunch agreed that the expensive earrings gave her away.  Now, my wife is a lady and a professional in every respect.  She dresses appropriately for her job.  But we are country folks to the core, and expensive jewelry has no home here.  Her wedding rings are just what you would expect a kid just out of high school could have afforded-very very inexpensive! :D   The rich Republican woman earrings most likely came from Walmart, or were given to her as a gift.  Funny how people draw assumptions.  My wife is bright, competent, thoughtful, quiet, religious, and not profane or loud. I wonder if that doesn't set her apart more than a pair of cheap earrings. smiley_devil_trident

I can't recall a race where dems attack those who work hard and succeed in life. Class warfare.  Since when is it a crime to earn wealth in this country? I am so disgusted about this. I'm not a financially wealthy person, but, I work my ass off to get what I get. I don't complain that I work hard to earn my money. In fact, I feel proud at the end of the day. This party wants to penalize those that succeed in life financially. They say the wealthy needs to pay more so they can give to those unfortunate. What's their definition of unfortunate? From what I see that means those that are too darn lazy to get out in society and actually work. What is the incentive to succed when you know some filthy bureaucrat will take your fruits of labor and hand it over to those who go through life riding the gravy train down easy street.  Redistribution of wealth is what Cuba and Venezuela does. It creates lousy economys. This whole idea sticks in my crall. When more people keep their money they will voluntarily help those that are in REAL need. Over 1 Billion dollars were donated to families of 9/11. If that is'nt an example of how the free market takes care of those in real need then I don't know what is.
     Then there is this national(socialized) healthcare nonsense. Both sides seem to agree that approx. 45 million are uninsured in this country. This means 260 million are insured. Would'nt it make more sense to give a tax credit to those to shop for health care? The people still pay for their coverage. Why force 260 million into a socialized and inefficient program to satisfy 45 million?  In 1980 Ronald Reagan said it best "Governments role is to assist those in need, not dominate over those in need".
"A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have" (Thomas Jefferson)


What I was really getting at is the way politicians on the left use such people and draw them into class envy.  "Yeah! Yeah! That SOB has something I don't!  Tax it away from him!"  All done without worrying what is really true, how many sacrifices have been made to get there, and in the case of a truly wealthy person, what good that wealth does for others if it stays with the person who earned it.

edit: Toolman makes the point I was getting at.
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner.  Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote. - Ben Franklin


And I agree 1000% with Toolman.

  I have been watching all these comments, and thought most was well presented. OWW just lost part of my respect, by his comment about Palin. I'm NOT into this fracas whatsoever, so, I'm just stating what I have observed.

  Faron, your wife deserves an extra  :-* from me. for being who she is.  8) 8)
All truth passes through three stages:
   First, it is ridiculed;
   Second, it is violently opposed; and
   Third, it is accepted as self-evident.

-- Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)


Fla Deadheader, don't be too hard on ole OWW  ;) He's a pretty good old boy.  We just need to limit his Koolade.  He lives too close to IU.  Maybe we can get him an aluminum foil hat to deflect some of the harmful stuff from up there. :D
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner.  Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote. - Ben Franklin


Toolman I agree totally as well. I just don't think we can get it totally from the repubs, but something will be better than nothing, and we sure as heck will get no relief from the libs. Obama or any other liberal, or liberal controlled congress passing any kind of meaningful tax reform, other than reforming it higher . . . . wish in one hand and start putting grains of sand in the other one grain a week and see which fills up first.

The oil is all in Texas, but the dipsticks are in D.C.


Well...  this has certainly been an interesting and fun-filled couple of weeks for me (*cough cough*)!  Thanks for listening to me ramble on about Sarah Palin.  I hope I've given you guys some of the 'inside' background on why some things were done.  At this point, Palin is fully capable of standing on her own record.

I'm going to go back to being fairly quiet on the political scene around here.  I'll post now and again as research turns up new answers.  And I'll *definitely* be posting in this thread again when Palin is elected as our next VP.  ;D


Us old codgers can remember how the women copied the Jackie Kennedy look.  The hair style, the dress, etc.  Now women are making a run on Sarah Palin style of glasses and copying her hear style.

"But in a little more than a week, the Republican vice presidential nominee, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, 44, has stolen the campaign's style spotlight, causing a run on Kawasaki 704 eyeglass frames and upswept hairstyles."

Sarah Palin's style: the issue at hand – LA Times

Wood-Mizer LT40HDE25 Super 25hp 3ph with Command Control and Accuset.
Sawing since '94


We were in Marquette, Mi yesterday and I noticed three different gals done up like Sarah  :) :)
Burnt Gunpowder is the Smell Of Freedom


Onewithwood has all of my respect. Every iota.  Loosing respect for someone over the way they believe or think is in itself disrespectful. Everyone has their own life experiences that create that individual and that is something that should always be respected weather other's live experiences cause them to agree or not.
Just call me the midget doctor.
Forestry Forum Founder and Chief Cook and Bottle Washer.

Commercial circle sawmill sawyer in a past life for 25yrs.
Ezekiel 22:30


Faron'skid, mother of 5 herself, was in here yesterday with her hair tied back and glasses on. I couldn't resist. "Going for that Sarah Palin look, are we?"  She never missed a beat. " Nope. She copied mine!" :D 8)
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner.  Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote. - Ben Franklin


Quote from: Jeff on September 07, 2008, 10:02:05 PM
Onewithwood has all of my respect. Every iota.  Loosing respect for someone over the way they believe or think is in itself disrespectful. Everyone has their own life experiences that create that individual.

If OWW gets it all,  what about  the rest of us?   ;D

I'm starting to feel like Rodney Daingerfield.  :-\
Wood-Mizer LT40HDE25 Super 25hp 3ph with Command Control and Accuset.
Sawing since '94


Aww, poor Bibster... you've really got it rough, eh?  <grin>  Bib - I still like and respect you (and enjoy your posts!) -  (I also respect 'ol OWW too - and appreciate his taking the time to share his perspectives).

Fox had a nice show on Governor Palin tonight.  It was filmed prior to her selection of the Republican VP candidate, and it's nice to see something that isn't taking potshots at the candidate.

I had an interesting dinner with my mother-in-law, one of her close friends, and my wife tonight.  All three of them support Obama, which is interesting because my MIL and her friend are both active and devout Christians.  I found it interesting that they felt that Obama had the experience to be Pres, but Palin didn't have the experience to be VP.  Couldn't figure that one out myself...
Peterson 10" WPF with 65' of track
Smith - Gallagher dedicated slabber
Tom's 3638D Baker band mill
and a mix of log handling heavy equipment.


Quote from: Jeff on September 07, 2008, 10:02:05 PM
Onewithwood has all of my respect. Every iota.  Loosing respect for someone over the way they believe or think is in itself disrespectful. Everyone has their own life experiences that create that individual and that is something that should always be respected weather other's live experiences cause them to agree or not.

Hear, hear!  Well said, Jeff.  Even though I disagree with OWW on a lot of things, he still has my respect.

About ladies copying Palin's look...  I suppose it is to be expected.  It must be flattering for her!  It is very impressive how popular she has become in the last week.


I think the gals see the guys go "ga ga" over Sarah and figure if it works for her it would work for them.  Guys are very visual oriented.  Women change the bait as they need to.

I am in the pink when sawing cedar.


I don't know about you Cedarman but I'm just attracted to her brain. ;)

I've not seen her in a pantsuit yet.  Is that a political move to differentiate between her and Clinton or just a fashion choice?

Also,  has there been any input from our Forum ladies on Palin?

Mary's not vocal here on the Forum but she's on the edge of her chair, swinging her fist – with that "You tell'm girl." mood going on.  I don't think it's a feminine thing as much as her strong conservative views and her overall delivery that has Mary so excited.
Wood-Mizer LT40HDE25 Super 25hp 3ph with Command Control and Accuset.
Sawing since '94


Well, y'all know how hard it is for me to offer an opinion, but I'll give it a try.   :D

Not even taking into consideration her political strength, I am beyond thrilled at what kind of role model Palin is for younger women.  Think about the role models that have been in the fore front of publicity for females, and it makes your skin crawl.  Now here is a real woman.  She's strong, she's dedicated, she's intelligent and very well spoken, she's a devoted mother, and a wife, with principles and the moral character to hold onto them.  She's athletic and she hunts and fishes.  The life time member of the NRA won me over too.  She has a definite fire in her spirit that is almost visible. 
Bibbyman, just like Mary, I'm a Granma to two beautiful little girls.  I don't want them to want to be like Paris, or Brittany, or Hillary...but, I'd be right proud if they had Palin's sense of dignity and character.  Just yesterday, I was asking my one year old grandaughter if she wanted to be President someday.  She just blew a raspberry.   ::)
Say when


Roxie, I think you hit it right when you mentioned good character.   That is what we are looking for above all other things.  With good character, trust isn't far behind.
I am in the pink when sawing cedar.


The oil is all in Texas, but the dipsticks are in D.C.

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