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Stihl 036 Pro??

Started by JDeere, April 16, 2010, 06:02:32 PM

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I have a chance to buy a 2-year old 036 pro for $425.00. It appears to have very little use. I haven't bought a Stihl saw for 25 years so I am not up on them at all. I have used nothing but Huskys since. I always liked the Stilh and used to say it was the best starting saw I ever had. Is this a good saw and is that a good price? Thanks for any info!
2013 Western Star, 2012 Pelletier trailer, Serco 7500 crane, 2007 Volvo EC 140, 2009 John Deere 6115D, 2002 Cat 938G, 1997 John Deere 540G, 1996 Cat D-3C, 1995 Cat 416B, 2013 Cat 305.5E


If the tag on the saw said '036 Pro' then it's a lot more than 2 years old. Heck, if it said 'MS360' then it's over 2 years old because the MS361 was in production for 3-4 years. I'm not sure of the exact years but I think if it said '036' then it's at least 10 years old.


I was thinking the same thing.  Not sure that its as old as 10yrs, but Id think its probably close, at least 7-8yrs.  Sounds a little steep for that age saw.  What condition is it in? Did you mean it was only used for 2yrs? If thats the case then there might be some reconditioning needed, carb kit, fuel line, etc, which might bring that price down.
Stihl MS361, 460 & 200T, Jonsered 490, Jonsereds 90, Husky 350 & 142, Homelite XL and Super XL


Thank you for the info. I have no interest in a saw that old. It looks like new in a photo, but for that money I'll buy another 346XP.
2013 Western Star, 2012 Pelletier trailer, Serco 7500 crane, 2007 Volvo EC 140, 2009 John Deere 6115D, 2002 Cat 938G, 1997 John Deere 540G, 1996 Cat D-3C, 1995 Cat 416B, 2013 Cat 305.5E


Maybe you could haggle the price down some with the seller.  If its good condition, its still a good saw, and a lot more powerful than a 346xp.  If its had low use it would still last a long time.
Stihl MS361, 460 & 200T, Jonsered 490, Jonsereds 90, Husky 350 & 142, Homelite XL and Super XL


I dunno about haggling over the price of a 360. People are proud of those saws, and they tend to want top dollar for them. More than a 361 even. A new 346xp sounds better.
Stihls: 440R, 361, 360, 310, 260, 211, 020T. Husky: 372xt.
I ship Stihl saws down under: message me for details.


Oh you can find them a lot cheaper than that if you look around .


Not around here (the PNW). Last one I saw here they guy wanted $600 for it. $400-500 is typical. I can get a 361 for less.
Stihls: 440R, 361, 360, 310, 260, 211, 020T. Husky: 372xt.
I ship Stihl saws down under: message me for details.


Just looked on Ebay $250 to $300 is common with a couple real nice ones bringing a little over $400.   Steve
Timberking B20  18000  hours +  Case75xt grapple + forks+8" snow bucket + dirt bucket   770 Oliver   Lots(too many) of chainsaws, Like the Echo saws and the Stihl and Husky     W5  Case loader   1  trailers  Wright sharpener     Suffolk  setter Volvo MCT125c skid loader

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