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Tree felling abilities

Started by chet, December 04, 2003, 02:38:57 PM

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Quote........ Thats where my front axle seized, broke and dumped me. My nose ain't been the same since. ........  :-/

Stan, a similar incident happened to me on the same farm only it took place six years earlier at the age of nine .

There was an old Schwinn one speed siting in the barn. We (brother and sisters) had been told not to ride it, but were not told why.

Of course I determined to take it for a do so I had to take it from the barn out the winding driveway which went past several out buildings, the house and finally to the street.  We lived on a large foot hill and were the third farm down from the peak. (You could see the three farms when traveling north on the interstate from Everett, WA which was 25 miles south of us). One of my younger sisters spotted me with the bike and insisted I ride her or........she would tell.

Off we went picking up speed down the hill........I began to realize we were going faster than I ever had previously been on a bike before.  The front wheel began to shimmy left and right, my attempts to hold the wheel steady with the handlebars were failing. Eventually the wheel went 90 degrees ejecting me over the handlebars face first into the pavement, with my sister landing in my back.  My dad and older brother were returning from a "town trip" and followed my blood trail home.

I had straight teeth prior to that day.
" If I were two faced, do you think I would be wearing this one?"   Abe Lincoln

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