iDRY Vacuum Kilns


Scaling Cedar Logs

Started by liveoak70, November 04, 2011, 03:11:19 PM

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How are Eastern Red Cedar Logs scaled at mill to figure bf


i use the doyle scale at my mill.


Thanks. What do you pay per MBF delivered?


I just bought a trailer load of eastern red cedar for 120MBF. I figured it on the Doyle.
The older I get I wish my body could Re-Gen.


For that price send me a truck train load.

Most cedar is bought on the cedar scale.  Do a forum search and you can find some examples.  Pay is pretty much the same in this area.

Larry, making useful and beautiful things out of the most environmental friendly material on the planet.

We need to insure our customers understand the importance of our craft.


N. New England, cedar is cheap, 200-250.   Trick is You saw 3x to get yield.   But that said, all the good stuff sells.


I buy  using the International Rule


Hey Poston, I lived in Rock Hill for 3 years, I'm from Greenwood, SC originally. Now living in NE Texas

Peter Drouin

I use International rule on all logs, the way we do it in NH.  Timbuck2 I see in the marketbulletin men selling Cedar logs for fence post, can I get them big enough to cut in 4 pieces? to make 4 fence post  :D just a thought,
A&P saw Mill LLC.
45' of Wood Mizer, cutting since 1987.
License NH softwood grader.


We buy a lot of tree length by the ton.  $85.00  Doyle scale is for larger logs 17" and up if bought by the piece.  Huge penalty for small logs using Doyle scale.  We buy down to 2".  From 2" to 4" we buy by the piece.  From 5" x 8' which has 7 board feet in it, on up we buy by footage if cut to length.  16' logs are measured at the small end for an 8' and again in the middle to get another 8'.  Rule of thumb is about 1 1/2" taper per 8'.  Loggers won't bring long stuff if they are penalized for it.
Using the cedar scale we will average about 20% overrun on footage.  Problem with cedar is that the outside of the butt log usally has ingrown bark in the lumber causing degrade.
Best lumber in cedar is heart of the log, best log is the second log in the tree.  Just not like hardwood.
I am in the pink when sawing cedar.

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